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3 Pastoral Ministry Books to Answer Your Burning Questions

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If you could take a couple seasoned pastors out for coffee and ask them all your ministry questions, what would you ask?

Some pastors who are barely hanging on after the past year might ask how they can get back on track spiritually or relationally. Others may be struggling to lead a group of believers who have been more catechized by social media than the Church in recent days. Still others who have seen giving drop might need help talking to their church about stewardship. And, unfortunately, some pastors might need help as they help people in their congregation grieve.

It all adds up to this: being a pastor isn’t only about knowing theology. It’s also about offering care, leading well, and being present during hard times.

As a resource for weary, inexperienced, or guidance-seeking pastors, Harold L. Senkbeil (author of the award-winning book, The Care of Souls) is now general editor of a series of pastoral ministry books in the new Lexham Ministry Guides series.

The first three books in the series are now available, offering practical wisdom for church leaders:

  • Pastoral Leadership: For the Care of Souls by Harold L. Senkbeil and Lucas V. Woodford—In the intro of this short book, Woodford recounts his first pastoral run-in with burnout, anxiety, and division among the congregation. The story demonstrates how easy it is to focus on “leadership” instead of “pastoring”—and the rest of the book invites readers to see how “the care of souls and the historic role of the pastor as the physician of the soul was far more than my ability to be a good leader.”
  • Funerals: For the Care of Souls by Tim Perry—This book is packed with an awful lot of wisdom. Perry opens by retelling a story of conducting a funeral in which the loved one’s family was lost, both figuratively and spiritually. Perry walks readers through the theology of death and funerals, how to care for the family before and after the funeral, and what to include in the funeral liturgy.
  • Stewardship: For the Care of Souls by Heath R. Curtis and Nathan Meador—Tired of typical stewardship materials? Curtis and Meador begin the book by saying, “This is yet another book about stewardship; however, this is not just another book on stewardship. Most books on stewardship focus on money management, the offering plate, and perhaps creation care. . . . This stewardship book will be different. . . . What you will get in this book is a fresh focus on stewardship, with the ultimate aim being the care of souls.” Isn’t that refreshing?

These three titles don’t simply offer a philosophy of ministry that leaves the reader asking, “Sure, but how?” Rather, they are short, immensely practical, and aimed at the everyday pastor needing help today.

Pick up the first three pastoral ministry books (individually or all together) in the Lexham Ministry Guides series now. Add the digital versions to your Logos library, or buy the print edition to share with pastors you know.

Praise for the new Lexham Ministry Guides

“It’s rare to find a work on pastoral leadership that is practical and at the same time rich with grace. With hard-gained wisdom and biblical insight, Harold Senkbeil and Lucas Woodford have provided a guide to shepherding worth every minister’s valuable time.” —Jared C. Wilson, assistant professor of pastoral ministry, Spurgeon College; author of Gospel-Driven Ministry

“This is the best of pastoral theology: wise at discerning the times, gentle in its recommendations for the care of souls, incendiary as it fires the pastoral vocation all over again. Reading Funerals will remind you why you wanted to be a pastor in the first place.” —Jason Byassee, Butler Chair in Homiletics and Biblical Interpretation, The Vancouver School of Theology; author of Surprised by Jesus Again

Stewardship is a wonderful book that will help pastors, church leaders, and individuals think wisely and biblically, rather than merely pragmatically, about the importance of stewardship in all aspects of our life, including, but not limited to finances.” —David S. Dockery, President, International Alliance for Christian Education and Distinguished Professor of Theology, Southwestern Seminary

New Pastoral Ministry Books from Lexham Press. Katherine Sonderegger on Pastoral Leadership: "A stirring call to confidence."

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