The Future of Bible Study Is Here: See What’s New in Logos

What’s New in Logos? December 2024

An image that reads, "See What's New in Logos" for December 2024.

Although the new Logos released just a few weeks ago, we’re already making it even better. We’re obsessed with making the best, easiest-to-use, and most in-depth Bible study platform for pastors, scholars, and serious students of the Bible.

Read below to see what’s now available for subscribers, get in on these improvements (and many more) for yourself, or take a more in-depth look at version 38 updates.

Watch the update

Prefer a video walkthrough? Product manager and longtime Logos user Mark Barnes shares all the things you need to know in this live session from December 5. Plus, there’s a live Q&A at the end. Click the link below to watch the replay.

Updates at a glance

  1. Summarize from the Factbook: The Factbook now offers more ways to help you decide how to spend your study time.
  2. Bible Study Builder lesson printing, sharing, and more: Users have been sharing what they love about this new feature—and ideas for making it more useful. So we made user-requested improvements a reality!
  3. Monitor your AI credit usage better: This is another customer request we heard loud and clear.

And more!

With our commitment to continual improvement, each version-release will keep coming with updates selected because they make a difference in your Bible study, research, and sermon prep day in and day out. Every moment saved and every task simplified adds up.

1. Summarize from the Factbook: an added starting point to going deeper, faster

Picture this: You open Factbook to a Bible reference or topic and now you’re staring at dozens of names in a Bible dictionary or a lengthy commentary discussion. Where do you go from there?

Now, you can click the Summarize button to get an overview in moments and come away with something valuable—the quick answer you were looking for, an idea of where you want to go next, or the decision that this resource isn’t where you want to spend your time right now.

You can even use the summary to easily digest dense academic articles or refresh your memory on key points of articles you’ve read before.

To try this for yourself, make sure you’re subscribed, then enter the topic or passage you’re studying into Factbook and head to the Commentaries and Dictionaries section.

A gif of Logos's Factbook summarizing a dictionary article and commentary section.
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“Over the years, I’ve amassed a substantial Logos library, yet the sheer volume of resources often makes it challenging to explore each result in-depth. AI result summarization allows me to quickly discern which resources merit further investigation and which may not align precisely with my research needs.

This new feature has proven invaluable. Logos has significantly reduced the time required to identify pertinent materials and has brought greater depth and focus to my studies.”

— Dr. Steven Ingino, Enterprise Customer Success

What other improvements will you find in Factbook?

  • The Dictionaries section is now much cleaner and easier to read and features a preview of each article. Plus, we’ve added an additional 100,000 dictionary entries so you can reach what you’re looking for from Factbook even if you’re searching a more obscure topic, person, event, etc.
  • More than 23,000 Factbook pages have been added. Now every English Factbook page has a description.
  • Subscribers now can group results by book or author and filter by kind of event (e.g., miracles) in the Biblical Events section and by the type of speech (e.g., prayers) in the Reported Speech section.
An image of Logos's Factbook with the  dropdown of type of Reported Speech marked with an orange square.

2. Bible Study Builder lesson printing, sharing, and more

Added updates to Bible Study Builder now make it a more useful assistant in preparing lessons and sharing the Word. Almost every Bible study or small group leader can agree on one thing: You don’t have a lot of extra time. And one more thing: You want to be able to easily share what the Lord shows you with others.

Now you can add information about the series, topic, passage, and more to each Bible study you build so you can easily locate what you’ve created and use past studies as fuel for new studies in the future.

  • Search by the title
  • Search the content
  • Find your Bible study

You’ll also find you can print and share any Bible study you’ve built with just a click.

An image of Logos's Bible Study Builder with the following elements visible and marked by an orange square outline: the information section showing options for including metadata and the print and share buttons.
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Thank you to our users who suggested these improvements!

3. Monitor AI credit usage better

As you use smart tools on desktop, you’ll now see an AI credit usage ring that helps you keep tabs on what you’ve used for the month—and how much you have left.

An image of Logos desktop including the AI-credit usage ring marked with an orange square outline.

Originally, we only showed this ring when you reached 80 percent of your credit usage. We heard you’d like to see your usage long before that, so we added the capability on the web app, and now it’s available on desktop and mobile, too. Once again, thank you to all the customers who let us know this would be useful!

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A snapshot of more updates

  • Following helpful feedback, we’ve made several minor improvements to the new Dynamic Toolbar, including adding keyboard shortcuts to toggle the interlinear view.
  • On mobile, you’ll now be able to see where you’re at in a resource even when you have the toolbar minimized.
  • Help Center now shows you entire articles related to your search, even if that help comes from a resource you don’t own (e.g., a Mobile Ed course you haven’t purchased).

See more in the technical release notes.

We want to hear from you!

Have ideas for how we can build a product you’ll love? Share your suggestions, and you might see it in a future update!

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author mary jahnke x
Written by
Mary Jahnke

Mary Jahnke has a background in marketing, especially for Christian education, and serves as a content marketing strategist for Faithlife. She has experience in church communications and is always looking for helpful knowledge to share.

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author mary jahnke x Written by Mary Jahnke