Why were John Calvin’s writings more popular than one of Martin Luther’s disciples, Martin Bucer? In this video excerpt from the Mobile Ed course Understanding the Protestant Reformation: Precursors and Legacy, Gerald L. Bray, author of Doing...
The below John Calvin quotes are taken from 300 Quotations for Preachers from the Reformation. Or delve into John Calvin’s most influential works with the Calvin 500 Collection (108 vols.). The collection contains three English translations of the...
Here are five facts about the esteemed author and theologian John Calvin you may not know. 1. Calvin’s health suffered He was in constant pain: “headaches, insomnia, shortness of breath (probably due to advanced tuberculosis), coughing fits...
What is Calvinism? Any attempt to give just one answer is sure to be wrong. Calvinism is not a church or a denomination. Calvinism is not even (just) a system of doctrine. Instead, Calvinism is a broad religious tradition with certain shared views...
In my previous article in this two-part series, I offered my thoughts on John Piper’s recent off-hand comments about Logos and BDAG. While very appreciative of Piper’s love for Logos, I argued that BDAG may be more useful to more people than his...
You know about Martin Luther, John Calvin, and Ulrich Zwingli. You may even know about Thomas Cranmer and John Knox. . . . But what do you know about the forerunners of the Protestant Reformation? Learn how one pre-Reformer set the stage for Martin...
"There is a sense in which we can say that men like Gerstner, and Edwards before him, 'lost' their battles with Culture."
The much-anticipated documentary from Les Lanphere finally dropped this September. Calvinist gathered buzz before filming even began. Three days after launching his Kickstarter for the project, Lanphere met his goal. By the time it ended, he had...
John Calvin’s Institutes of the Christian Religion is among the most important works of theology in church history. It’s a central text for Protestantism, especially the Reformed tradition, and continues to be read and referenced widely today, just...
Calvin is famous for his commentaries and the Institutes of the Christian Religion. Did you know he was also a master preacher and teacher? There are two ways you can access many of Calvin’s sermons. 1. Learn French Buy a book Buy a language program...
In the prefix to the 1545 French edition of Calvin’s Institutes, Calvin seeks to explain to his readers why he wrote Institutes to begin with. While he goes into more detail, the third paragraph has some amazingly interesting nuggets of...
Despite the popular misconception, John Calvin never wrote the five points of Calvinism, also know as TULIP. These however were five points that were drawn up some time after his death in an effort to summarize the key doctrines for which Calvin and...
It seems to be the common opinion that John Calvin was neither a master of Greek or Hebrew, yet he passionately perused them and encouraged and instructed all pastors to do the like. I find encouragement in the fact that Calvin wasn’t a master...
The doctrine of adoption plays a major role in Calvin’s tracts, letters, sermons, Institutes, and most importantly, his commentaries. Timothy Trumper states on this matter, “It is increasingly apparent that the commentaries are indispensable to an...
John Calvin’s aim of the Genevan Academey is inspiring and should most certainly be applied, or should I say adopted, by more seminaries today: The creation of the Academy was perhaps Calvin’s crowning achievement. However, it needs to be...
One of the most influential of all British Baptists wrote the following lines: The old truth that Calvin preached, that Augustine preached, that Paul preached, is the truth that I must preach today, or else be false to my conscience and my God. I...
Baptist Roots Where did Baptists come from and, historically, what are their beliefs? The majority of historians agree that today’s Baptists were derived from three major sixteenth-century streams: Particular Baptists, General Baptists, and...
Charles Spurgeon criticized Robert Hawker's Bible commentary for seeing Jesus in unnecessary places, such as every Psalm, a view widely held in Christian interpretation until John Calvin rooted Psalm interpretation in historical context. There's now...
Of the similarities between natural science and systematic theology, Charles Hodge writes: “If the object of the one be to arrange and systematize the facts of the external world, and to ascertain the laws by which they are determined; the object of...
We're happy to announce that you can pre-order Codex Bezae Cantabrigiensis for free! Theodore Beza, John Calvin’s successor as leader of the Genevan church, first presented this uncial codex to the library at the University of Cambridge (Cantabrigia...
How should we talk of Jesus? In one sense, talking about Jesus is easy. He’s our Savior and our redeemer. He’s the atoning sacrifice for sinners. He’s the Son of God who has demonstrated his great love for us by satisfying God’s righteous wrath in...
My vocation is systematic theology. My vision of theology is that of a catholic Wesleyanism. I want to promote and pursue—and indeed to produce—theology that is fundamentally creedal and confessional; straightforwardly Protestant and evangelical;...
Evangelicals have long contributed highly-respected works to biblical scholarship. Evangelicals have also earned considerable respect in the philosophical guild. Much of this labor has been spent on apologetics, which has raised the bar on Christian...
The author of Hebrews presents us with vivid imagery of Old Covenant worship in the tabernacle and temple, its priests, and the sacrifices they offered. But what, if anything, does this have to do with my worship as a Christian? Do we still worship...
The Protestant Reformation marked an explosive turning point in church history, as it recovered and proclaimed the gospel of saving grace. Its message was that God justifies men in his sight by faith alone. To be saved, a person must place their...
From the window of graduate student housing at Emory University, my mother recalls watching an older man carrying a heavy sack and placing a book at the doorstep of each of the apartments, one after the other. And then this St. Nicholas-like man...
In one of the most memorable conversations in all of Scripture, Jesus addressed to the Roman Empire that his kingdom was not of this world. Clearly, although Christ’s kingdom may not be this-worldly, neither is it strictly otherworldly: it takes...
Does God plan everything ahead of time? If so, does that mean humans lack free will, that we are like robots? Such topics lead to questions about salvation: Does God save only those he’s chosen in advance? And, if so, how is that fair? These are the...
Steven Wedgeworth is the rector of Christ Church Anglican in South Bend, Indiana. He has written for Desiring God, The Gospel Coalition, The Council for Biblical Manhood and Womanhood, The Anglican Way, and Mere Orthodoxy; he served as a founding...
Why does so much evil exist in the world? Why do men murder? Why do countries go to war? Why do people exploit others? Why do we live in a world marked by human evil? Foundational to answering these questions is the doctrine of original sin...