The Future of Bible Study Is Here: See What’s New in Logos

September’s New Collections—Available Now!


We’ve recently updated several collections to include the most recently published Logos editions! Now’s the best time to get into a new series or to update a collection you already own.

Here’s what’s new:

Two Horizons Commentary (10 vols.)

Robert Wall’s 1 & 2 Timothy and Titus is now available for immediate purchase and download! Get all 10 volumes at an amazing price and think critically as you dig into theological interpretation of these 14 books of the Bible. If you’ve purchased Two Horizons volumes with us previously, fear not—you’ll only pay for the volumes that are new to you.

Gordon D. Fee New Testament Studies Collection (7 vols.)45303

Love Gordon Fee? We’ve made it easy to get your hands on a number of his well-read commentaries, as well as a handful of books he’s edited and authored. You’ll get expert exegetical and text-critical insights across the New Testament through his To What End Exegesis? and his amazing commentary on 1 Corinthians in the NICNT series, as well as other key commentaries from this must-read modern scholar.

Kress Biblical Studies Collection (13 vols.)

Endorsed by John MacArthur, R. Albert Mohler Jr., Cyril J. Barber, and Norman Geisler, this collection’s 13 biblical-focused titles address contemporary issues while resting firmly on the authority of Scripture. These volumes range from expositions of the Bible to topical and theological works grounded in biblical exegesis. Explore practical theology with Scripture as your guide—explore Kress’ biblical studies in Logos.

Forms of the Old Testament Literature Series (18 vols.)

Now updated with the commentary on Judges, this specifically form-critical Old Testament commentary examines the works of the Old Testament according to their genre and literary setting. This traditional approach to exegesis leaves plenty of room for any serious Bible student to interpret theology for themselves while still honoring the primacy of Scripture and the revelation of God.

Remember that you won’t be charged twice for volumes you already own in your Logos library, so make sure you visit the and sign in to see your very own Dynamic Price.

What are you waiting for? Head to and see what’s new today!

author brandon rappuhn x
Written by
Brandon Rappuhn
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author brandon rappuhn x Written by Brandon Rappuhn