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Studying the Old Testament with Dr. Baker

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We talk with Dr. David Baker about studying the Old Testament (0:10), and Dr. Steve Runge shares some gems from Philippians 3 (5:30). 

Dr. David Baker is a professor of Old Testament and Semitic languages at Ashland Theological Seminary in Ohio, where he’s taught since 1986, following teaching assignments at the University of Durban-Westville and the University of the Witwatersrand in South Africa. He’s also lectured in Argentina, Australia, Canada, the Netherlands, New Zealand, and the United Kingdom.

mobile ed david w baker old testament bundleDr. Baker has a particular interest in pedagogy, constantly exploring new means and media to enhance the learning and teaching experience for both the instructor and the student. He has contributed to, edited, or written over 40 books, including Isaiah in the Zondervan Illustrated Bible Backgrounds Commentary, The NIV Application Commentary: Joel, Obadiah, Malachi and Dictionary of the Old Testament: Pentateuch.

To get more insight into the Old Testament from Dr. Baker, pick up his Mobile Ed courses in the David W. Baker Old Testament Bundle.

Get the courses today.

Did you enjoy Dr. Steve Runge’s explanation of Philippians 3? You can get more eye-opening insights like this in his High Definition Commentary: Philippians.
high definition commentary philippians
Get this best-selling resource now.

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