In this inaugural episode of What in the Word?, James M. Hamilton Jr., a professor of biblical theology and a pastor, joins Kirk to talk about one of Scripture’s most notorious passages: Genesis 6:1–4. Tune in to uncover how this passage highlights...
The Bible does speak of demons, and demonology is a proper subject of theology. If angels and demons exist and afflict God’s people as the Bible asserts, then their existence and methods are necessary for a Christian’s understanding of reality. The...
Given that only two angels are explicitly named in Scripture (Michael and Gabriel), it is unsurprising that they have garnered a lot of attention, speculation, and reverence throughout the centuries—in both religious tradition and popular media.
Quick, list everything you know about angels! If you’re thinking about bells, harps, and wings, your idea of angels might be more informed by Christmas movies than the Bible. That’s what Dr. Michael S. Heiser is trying to correct in Angels—now...
angel [ eyn-juhl ] Also called: Angel of the Lord, Cherubim, Seraphim Messenger of God or supernatural being with superhuman powers. Top Bible Verses about Angels Numbers 22:21–35 So Balaam got up in the morning and saddled his...
Who are the Nephilim? In the sixth chapter of Genesis, we’re confronted with a curious reference to the Nephilim. Who are they? Were they a race who came to be through the mingling of divine beings and the daughters of men? Were the Nephilim...
“What does God say about hell?” asks Kris Brossett, kicking off his two-article series on the topic. Brossett proceeds to survey the three historic Christian views of hell—eternal torment, conditional immortality, and universalism—and commendably...
In my previous post, I noted that the right context for interpreting the Bible accurately isn’t the history of Christianity in any of its creedal distillations or denominational forms. But I went even further—I said that the biblical context isn’t...
Most Bible study resources describe fallen angels as demons who joined Lucifer in his rebellion against God. But what if I told you that the only place in the New Testament that describes angels sinning does not call them demons, has no connection...
As 2018 comes to a close, we first want to thank you for being a Logos blog reader. We hope the blog has educated and equipped you this year, and we look forward to more of that in 2019. Together we learned a lot about angels, language, and using...
It’s easy to imagine what Mary, Joseph, the shepherds, or the Magi were thinking and feeling when they encountered the baby Jesus for the first time. I can imagine the mix of excitement, nerves, and expectation as they wondered when God would...
In previous posts, we drew from Michael Heiser’s Angels to understand what the Bible tells us about angels. We saw that caring about angels does not make one a fanatic. We also learned that angels are immaterial members of God’s heavenly host who...
This is a post by guest author Lindsay Kennedy. In previous posts, we drew from Michael Heiser’s Angels to find out what the Bible tells us about angels. We know that angels are immaterial members of God’s heavenly host, and we also discussed why...
This is a post by guest author Lindsay Kennedy. The Bible has a lot to say about angels. The problem is, few Christians seem interested in hearing about it. For whatever reason, many Christians have a dismissive attitude when it comes to angels. But...
This is a guest post by Lindsay John Kennedy. Although many popular misconceptions exist, the Bible tells us quite a bit about angels. It may not answer all our questions, but what it says, it says clearly. In this post, we draw from Michael...
If you think angels look like diapered babies with a bow and arrow, think again. Michael S. Heiser’s new book, Angels, seeks to provide biblical answers for common questions about God’s heavenly host. He addresses topics including what angels look...
What the Bible really says about angels is often overlooked or filtered through popular myths. Whatever you think you know about angels, there’s a good chance it’s wrong. But why does that matter? Is a more accurate understanding of God’s heavenly...
What are angels? If you think angels look like diapered babies with a bow and arrow, think again. Michael S. Heiser’s new book, Angels, seeks to provide biblical answers for common questions about God’s heavenly host. He addresses topics including...
Dr. Michael Heiser has carved out a unique reputation for helping people take a second look at Scripture. Whether it’s through his books on the supernatural realm, his video series on aliens and UFOs (seriously)*, or his video courses on biblical...
Whatever you think about angels, there’s a good chance it’s wrong. That may sound harsh, but most of us get our perspective of angels from movies, myths, and Valentine’s Day cards—not as much from the Bible. In his new book, Angels, Dr. Michael...
Wendy Widder writes, "The book of Daniel is an attention-grabber with its compelling stories and shocking visions of the future. If all this weren’t enough, the book also features God-fearing characters who provide shining examples of how to live in...
The praise for Dr. Michael Heiser’s The Unseen Realm has been unending since its release last year. Readers have given it 4.8 out of 5 stars on Amazon and one reviewer called it “the most thought provoking, thrilling, insightful book I have...
There are numerous passages in the Bible that are odd, confusing, or downright weird. Often, these passages occur at the intersection of our world and the supernatural. Our modern viewpoint has taught us to ignore or gloss over these difficult or...
Lewis Sperry Chafer was born on this day in 1871, in Red Hook, Ohio. Chafer’s writings, the topic of much debate, are widely regarded as influential in the Evangelical movement in America. Dr. Scofield, Chafer’s Bible college professor...