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Tag - angels

Angels: Bible Verses, Quotes & More

angel [ eyn-juhl ] Also called: Angel of the Lord, Cherubim, Seraphim Messenger of God or supernatural being with superhuman powers. Top Bible Verses about Angels Numbers 22:21–35 So Balaam got up in the morning and saddled his...

The Top 10 Logos Blog Posts of 2018

As 2018 comes to a close, we first want to thank you for being a Logos blog reader. We hope the blog has educated and equipped you this year, and we look forward to more of that in 2019. Together we learned a lot about angels, language, and using...

What Do Angels Do?

This is a post by guest author Lindsay Kennedy. In previous posts, we drew from Michael Heiser’s Angels to find out what the Bible tells us about angels. We know that angels are immaterial members of God’s heavenly host, and we also discussed why...

3 Truths and a Myth about Angels

This is a guest post by Lindsay John Kennedy. Although many popular misconceptions exist, the Bible tells us quite a bit about angels. It may not answer all our questions, but what it says, it says clearly. In this post, we draw from Michael...

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