It’s one thing to lead a Bible study; it’s another to lead a Bible study that people love! What’s the difference between a study that people endure and one they can’t wait to attend? Effective Bible study leaders invite people to engage with the...
Why limit theological training to just pastors? Theology (theo, God; logia, study of) is the study of who God is and what he is like. With a subject that vast, those who plan to lead churches often spend large amounts of time and money pursuing...
In my early twenties, I traveled the world encouraging missionaries fulfilling the Great Commission. I witnessed the gospel reaching tribal groups and the Scriptures translated into new languages. This is what I wanted to do with the rest of my life...
Family discipleship is hard work. The days are long with small children: a messy home, a litany of whys, and a gaggle of shouts of joy and frustration over the big and the small. In the midst of all this, you might ask yourself: Am I up for fighting...
Imprinted among Kristie Anyabwile’s earliest memories is a scene in which she and her grandmother “Miss Nicie” kneel to pray beside their shared featherbed. Kristie vividly recalls the worn tapestry of da Vinci’s The Last...
We were in the middle of a care group gathering at church. People would share some of their deepest struggles, and then, inevitably, a leader in training would derail the conversation with unhelpful questions. It’s not uncommon. We often tap people...
At times, the God-given task of family discipleship can seem too heavy to bear—yet it’s a parent’s highest priority. And fortunately, we are not alone in the task. Jesus promised never to leave or forsake us (Heb 13:5), and if he has tasked us with...
But what does an online pastor do? I get asked this a lot. Here’s a job profile to help start the conversation.
In late January, Discovery Church in Colorado Springs, CO, launched a three-tier discipleship program at their church. About six weeks later, the COVID-19 pandemic sent their entire discipleship program online. Turns out they were actually ahead of...
When coronavirus hit, churches scrambled. Those that weren’t online figured out solutions fast, and those that already were online embraced remote church as a new normal. Since then, churches have worked tirelessly to ensure their congregations can...
In these fearful, challenging, and sometimes divided times, I wonder what Dietrich Bonhoeffer would say to us. His suffering looked differently than ours, yet he knew the pain of separation from fellow believers. Despite oppression and imprisonment...
Bonhoeffer "most clearly points to the Christ as God’s Word for us, not simply to us, but emphatically on our behalf."
When Jesus told his disciples to “make disciples,” it wasn’t a suggestion. He didn’t say, “I really think you should make disciples.” He didn’t say, “Boy, I really wish someone would disciple the nations.” He used the imperative voice—he...
Turn your TV into a discipleship tool in your home. Check out these five videos—all available through Faithlife TV. Poets & Saints The poets and saints of Christian history were imperfect, yet they offer wisdom across the centuries that is as...
If you want to personally train someone else in Christianity, what discipleship curriculum is at the top of your list? I urge you to consider a resource you already own: the Gospel According to Matthew. Matthew’s overarching objective in his Gospel...
Logos Mobile Ed’s Preaching and Discipling Foundations Bundle is a 10-course bundle that covers a wide array of topics related to ministry. It provides great teaching by leading speakers on topics like preaching, discipleship, ethics, and specific...
Part of living the Christian life is discipling others. In the Great Commission, Jesus commanded his disciples to go and “make disciples” (Matt. 28:19). This is an intimidating mandate. When we’re still in the process of growing in our walk with...