In this inaugural episode of What in the Word?, James M. Hamilton Jr., a professor of biblical theology and a pastor, joins Kirk to talk about one of Scripture’s most notorious passages: Genesis 6:1–4. Tune in to uncover how this passage highlights...
If we wish to understand the Tree of Life and the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil, we must begin with seeing them as a part of the creational order. Trees, along with plants and seed-bearing things, come to life by the word of God as part of...
Why are we here, and what is our purpose? What on earth went wrong, and why are things so messed up? How can we go about making this wrecked world a better place? These are some of the most important questions a person can ask. If we’re willing to...
Dustin Burlet | Peace River Bible Institute T. Desmond Alexander once stated, with respect to teaching the Old Testament, that it is “difficult to think of any other academic subject that covers such a wide range of fields. How does one do justice...
In this excerpt from the introduction of The Universal Story: Genesis 1–11, Dru Johnson explores why Genesis 1–11 doesn’t plainly explain, prove, or disprove some of the biggest questions human beings wrestle with about creation and the cosmos. ***...
Dr. Erika Moore talks about her work on the Psalms (0:10), and Dr. Mark Futato explains the meaning of “bless” in Genesis (1:45). Dive into the Psalms Explore the Psalms with a blend of exegesis and historical commentary in The Psalms as Christian...
Ur wasn’t a small and backwards village. It was a major city with foundations of wealth and skill. Abraham left and lived in tents, because he believed in an even greater Architect and Builder.
"Genesis 1‐3 has a powerful message to the modern world, if only we got hold of it and believed it." --Vern Poythress
“Now return the man’s wife, for he is a prophet, and he will pray for you and you will live. But if you do not return her, you may be sure that you and all who belong to you will die.” — Genesis 20:7 In the drama of the broader story of...
Introduction The history of biblical exegesis and hermeneutics is not without controversy, and the apostle Paul’s Epistle to the Romans is no exception. It has more allusions and quotes from the Hebrew Bible than any other New Testament work, but is...
Reading the Bible can be intimidating if you haven’t spent years studying the Scriptures. There’s so much contextual knowledge that could take years of study to uncover. And without the proper methods, studying the Bible might be seen as a chore...
What influences your interpretation of Scripture? What is the origin of the particular interpretation you hold? Are you familiar with alternative interpretations? How would you defend your interpretation against others? Although apologists are...