The Mishnah is a third-century Jewish collection that expands upon the legal material and language of the Old Testament and is considered to be “oral Torah.” Mishnah (the Hebrew term מִשְׁנָה means “study by repetition”) is the foundation of all...
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Of course, there’s the well-known New Perspective on Paul, which deals with Paul’s theology of justification and the relationships between law, grace, and faith. But did you know there are other debates about Paul’s theology in current...
Judaism and Christianity disagree in a number of ways. The most fundamental impasse is obviously Jesus. Christians embrace Jesus as the God of Israel incarnate, the messiah who came to earth to offer himself as an atoning sacrifice for the sins of...
Judaism represents several millennia of rich history, complex debates, and influential texts. So why is it important to study ancient Judaism now? Because the study of ancient Judaism is the study of the cultural context in which Scripture was...