Dr. Michael Heiser, author of the bestselling book The Unseen Realm, has passed into life everlasting after a years-long battle with cancer. Dr. Heiser served as Logos’s scholar-in-residence from 2004 to 2019. During and after his tenure at Logos...
We are prone to make assumptions about God and his favor when life has us down due to sin, mistakes, or incomprehensible circumstances. Of all the Scripture passages we might turn to during these times, the bizarre vision that opens the book of...
This post is excerpted from Dr. Michael Heiser’s course Problems in Bible Interpretation: Difficult Passages IV, available now from Logos Mobile Education. *** The Old Testament is filled with odd stories that take us by surprise. One of those...
Most children who’ve attended Sunday school classes can tell you what happened at the Tower of Babel. King Nimrod wanted to be famous, so he convinced the people of Babylon to build a great tower that would reach heaven. God could see that the...
Does the Bible talk about sea monsters? Are they literal? In this excerpt about sea monsters in the Bible from his book I Dare You Not to Bore Me with the Bible, Dr. Michael Heiser explores the mention of “sea monsters,”...
Who are Gog and Magog, and where are they located? Explore various geographical and spiritual interpretations.
Given that only two angels are explicitly named in Scripture (Michael and Gabriel), it is unsurprising that they have garnered a lot of attention, speculation, and reverence throughout the centuries—in both religious tradition and popular media.
Dr. Michael S. Heiser is the author of The Unseen Realm: Recovering the Supernatural Worldview of the Bible and has taught many Mobile Ed courses, including Problems in Biblical Interpretation: Difficult Passages I. In the excerpt from his book I...
By Reuben Evans The new series Angels follows up The Unseen Realm and Demons. It’s available for purchase on Faithlife TV. Pop culture and church tradition have a lot to say about angels. However, in this documentary series, Dr. Mike Heiser takes...
This excerpt on the return of Jesus is adapted from Dr. Heiser’s book I Dare You Not to Bore Me with the Bible (see all Dr. Heiser’s books). *** Few things in the Bible attract more attention than prophecies about the end times. Even people...
This excerpt on circumcision in the Bible is adapted from Dr. Heiser’s book I Dare You Not to Bore Me with the Bible (see all Dr. Heiser’s books). *** Circumcision is a topic mentioned nearly 100 times in the Bible. It is a central focus for...
Quick, list everything you know about angels! If you’re thinking about bells, harps, and wings, your idea of angels might be more informed by Christmas movies than the Bible. That’s what Dr. Michael S. Heiser is trying to correct in Angels—now...
He’s the universe’s public enemy number one, the chief opponent of God and his people, and the leader of uncounted demonic forces. Jesus says he’s been a murderer from the beginning, and he’s engaged in an all-out war against the forces of good in...
We all have watershed moments in life, critical turning points where, from that moment on, nothing will ever be the same. One such moment in my own life came when I rediscovered the word elohim. It was in church on a Sunday morning while still in...
Who are the Nephilim? In the sixth chapter of Genesis, we’re confronted with a curious reference to the Nephilim. Who are they? Were they a race who came to be through the mingling of divine beings and the daughters of men? Were the Nephilim...
Elisha’s healing of Naaman in the Bible (the leper [and] commander of the army of the king of Syria) is a familiar story to many (2 Kgs 5:1–27). Naaman hears that Elisha, the prophet of Israel, can heal him, so he makes the trip. When the two meet...
Should Christians study fringe topics like UFOs and the Bible and whether aliens exist? The existence of UFOs has topped news headlines over the past few weeks, generating quite the buzz, primarily in response to the Pentagon’s soon-to-be-released...
Most of us have probably gone through a period in our Christian lives (or are still there) when we thought about little else than what the Bible says about end times prophecy. In this post, Dr. Michael Heiser offers his thoughts on why there is so...
What is the Septuagint? The Septuagint, of course, is the Greek translation of the Hebrew Old Testament. The Septuagint was the Old Testament of the early Greek-speaking Church, and it is by far the version of the Old Testament most frequently...
If they haven’t read it, most people have at least heard the story of David and Goliath of Gath (“the Gittite”). The names of the hero and villain have iconic status. But how many people know anything about the giant Goliath, other than that he lost...
Everyone familiar with the Bible knows it talks about angels and demons. But most would be surprised to learn that there’s no verse in the Bible that explains where demons came from. Christians typically assume that demons are fallen angels, cast...
Dr. Michael Heiser discusses the topic of Bible translations (0:10), and Joshua Jipp talks about the importance of being part of a spiritual community (3:37). Learn to use biblical Greek and Hebrew Whether you want to learn Greek and Hebrew for the...
Ryan Nelson discusses the importance of apologetics and being able to discuss faith with others (:10), and Dr. Michael Heiser discusses God as man in the Old Testament (2:50). Start studying apologetics Challenges to Christianity come from a...
Are demons fallen angels? Is the Satan figure as the archnemesis of God foreign to the Old Testament? Did a third of the angels fall from heaven before humanity’s fall? The following excerpt from Demons by Michael S. Heiser is adapted from the...
At the start of his academic career, Dr. Michael Heiser wasn’t interested in the supernatural world. It was only after two master’s degrees and PhD study that one verse startled him awake and led him down a path into the Bible few take—finding...
Dr. Lynn Cohick talks about understanding the apostle Paul in his historical context (:10), and Dr. Michael Heiser gives some insights on interpreting Scripture (4:55). Study the New Testament with Dr. Lynn Cohick Gain a better understanding of...
Hearing the word “demons” makes the skin crawl. It conjures up images from movie trailers and frightening stories of demon possession. Should Christians even think about demons? Bible scholar Dr. Michael Heiser is the perfect person to answer those...
Dr. Michael Heiser teaches what reverse interlinears are and how they work (:10), and an animation explains Logos Mobile Education (3:45). Connect your translation to the original text The Logos reverse interlinear feature simplifies your original...
Dr. Lynn Cohick talks about understanding the apostle Paul in his historical context (:10), and Dr. Michael Heiser gives some insights on interpreting Scripture (4:55). Study the New Testament with Dr. Lynn Cohick Gain a better understanding of...
Students of the cultural context of the Bible are familiar with the association between animals and idolatry. The idolatrous worship of the golden calf (egel; Exod 32:1–24) makes the connection explicit. Even after the Israelites entered into a...