What’s your background (academic and otherwise) and how did that prepare you to write Paul and the Image of God? I grew up in a small, charming town in Tennessee, USA, where I fell in love with Bible and Theology during my undergrad (a BA in...
"Every theology is contextual." - Federico Villanueva
"I am using Josephus's life—his biography, as much as we can know it—as a way of reading Paul's biography."
by Prof Steve Walton This list is aimed at providing a starter list for useful journal, book series, sources of book reviews, and online sources for journal articles. It’s not the last word, but hopefully it’s a useful guide into the forest of...
"This verse illustrates well that we cannot separate translation from theology. To do translation is to do theology."
UN Ambassador Ibi talks about expressing his faith through art (0:10), and the Logos Pro team talks about using the Multi-View Resources tool when studying Scripture with Logos Bible Software (6:10). Explore the role of creativity in the Christian...
Biblical performance criticism is a methodology based on the assumption that much of the literature collected in the Bible represents oral performances that were at one time either told from memory or presented as prepared readings before audiences...
Dr. Andrew Naselli summarizes the entire Bible in one sentence (:10), and a Logos Pro teaches how to use the Proverbs Explorer tool (2:05). Study the New Testament with Dr. Andrew Naselli Introducing the New Testament: A Short Guide to Its History...
Leading up to Easter, my family was looking for something to watch. Our typical Easter plans were ruined by the quarantine, and we hoped to find a digital experience that would help to fill that void. My wife suggested The Chosen. I am not really a...
Dr. Lynn Cohick, professor of New Testament at Wheaton College, discusses key themes and texts in the book of Acts (:10), and the band The Royal Royal gives a rooftop performance in Bellingham, WA (3:15). Keep learning about the story and structure...
"TBAC has three main distinctives. First, as already mentioned, it is substantially longer and more in-depth. Second, it is explicitly Christocentric in its entire structure and orientation. And third, it follows a different sequence that is...
"My work is for all who are passionate to know what it is we are handling when we take up the New Testament and the Bible as a whole into our hands."
"Like the Second Generation of Israel, Jesus's covenant obedience would lead to an inheritance of the promise of God, but like Adam, his inheritance could be passed down to the entire nation."
"Thus, the physical body that goes into the ground when buried is the physical body that will be raised up out of the ground one day, albeit changed"
"Teaching in the name of Jesus is proclamation of him, with an appeal to his authority. And in Phil. 2:10, to bow down “in/at the name of Jesus” is to submit to him because of his status and authority, evidenced by the name given to him."
In this article, I argue that we have been too apt to accept ancient and popular interpretations of Jesus’ wilderness testing in Matthew 4:1-11. Three issues warrant a fresh interpretation: the translation of πειρασθῆναι, our understanding of...
Kristen Tetteh talks about what motivates the developers of Faithlife Proclaim (0:10), and Dr. David deSilva discusses Caesar Augustus’ role in Luke’s infancy narrative (4:30).
Dr. Andy Naselli discusses the main steps in interpreting Scripture (0:10), and Todd Bishop walks us through the Discourse Dataset Filters in Logos (2:15). Dive into New Testament exegesis with Dr. Naselli The whole point of exegesis is to know...
Dr. Craig Evans explains the difference in how the original audiences of Scripture read the texts (:10), and Dr. Mike Heiser talks about the significance of reading ancient texts that the biblical authors read as well. Study the world of Jesus and...
"What happens when we view manuscripts not simply as arbiters of a text, but as complex works of art that contain literary works, sometimes figurative and non-figurative artworks, and a high level of craftsmanship?"
"In order to decide how aspect interacts with the actional potential of verb constellations, you first need to know which situation type the verb constellations in your text represent."
Scholar George Guthrie discusses how understanding the structure of Hebrews helps us interpret it (0:10), and a pro-tip on setting multiple service times in Proclaim (5:05). Study Hebrews with Dr. Guthrie This course is the culmination of over 20...
Dr. Craig Blomberg discusses how understanding the historical nature of the Gospels informs the inerrancy debate (0:10), and Dr. Steve Runge gives a lesson on honor from Ephesians (3:15). Get the Craig L. Blomberg Collection New Testament specialist...
Dr. Steve Runge teaches about delay in the Bible (0:10), and Todd Bishop shows how to use the Psalms Explorer tool in Logos (2:15). Keep learning how language works with Dr. Runge Our understanding of the Greek New Testament is based almost entirely...
Justin Wise discusses step three of the four steps of digital ministry (0:10), and Dr. Heiser addresses the notion that everything in the Bible is about Jesus (3:15).
Lexham Press editor Elliot Ritzema reviews Geerhardus Vos’ Reformed Dogmatics (:10), and Dr. Darrell Bock discusses his work on the Gospels (1:50). The first and only English translation of Geerhardus Vos’ Reformed Dogmatics Geerhardus...
"If we completely detach our modern-day applications from a text’s original, historical context, we risk misapplying the text—sometimes in embarrassing ways."
Part 3 of the series Observations from a Linguistic Spectator: An Annual Report. See also Part 1 and Part 2. From events to verbs As announced in my last post, I want to explore now in more detail the lexical semantics and the lexicography...
Watching the news a few days ago, I saw photos and videos of those protesting the COVID-19 quarantine on full display. I’m growing weary of how certain biblical texts are attached to certain political movements and demonstrations—texts that are...
How do we teach well amid the volatile social climate of our world today? How should educators from Western nations interact with scholars around the globe? And what can seminary professors do to confront racism and sexism in the classroom? These...