Tag - social media

Who Should We Interview Next?

Logos users are an involved community. Between blog subscribers, forum members, Facebook fans, and followers on Twitter and Google Plus, we have over 200,000 followers. It’s amazing to see the level of engagement among our users! Photo...

5 Free Ways to Share Your Faith Online

Sharing Scripture with friends and loved ones has never been so easy—and Logos is working to make it even easier. Every morning we post Scripture art to a few of our Facebook pages. We’ve received quite a few requests to make these images available...

40,000 Facebook Fans and Growing!

Thanks to all of our Facebook fans, yesterday we passed the 40,000 fan mark! It’s quite a milestone, and it’s exciting that you’re staying connected and socializing with each other and us. Just for perspective, 40,000 is also the number of: about...

Logos on Twitter

For all you Twitter users out there, we wanted to let you know that Logos is now on Twitter. As a self diagnosed Twitteraholic (shameless plug) I’m pretty excited to see the Logos Twitter page up and running. I’ve been using Twitter for...

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