Why limit theological training to just pastors? Theology (theo, God; logia, study of) is the study of who God is and what he is like. With a subject that vast, those who plan to lead churches often spend large amounts of time and money pursuing...
Growing up, my family had a weekend farm just north of the town where we lived. As a kid, it was a great place to explore nature and learn many life skills. It was on that farm, for example, where I learned how to drive a manual transmission even...
There I was, standing in front of a classroom filled with a wide mixture of generations. Most were training for ministry of some kind, though some were seasoned pastors. Ages ranged from early twenties to late sixties. I was still a seminary student...
Stephen D. Campbell | Aquila Initiative (Bonn, Germany) In an oral tradition about biblical theologian Brevard Childs, it is said that a student once asked, “Professor Childs, how can I become a better Bible interpreter?” “If you want to become a...
COMMUNITY, CULTURE, AND THE QUEST FOR DISCOVERY A Conversation with Robert W. Yarbrough From lumberjack to professor may not be the most obvious career change, but for Robert W. Yarbrough, both represent hard labor. During his thirty-six years of...
SETH M. EHORN | WHEATON COLLEGE There it was—the most beautiful cathedral I had ever seen. But not just beautiful. Enormous! It was the summer of 2011, and I was spending the month of July studying French in Paris. As part of my experience, I...
Dr. Michael Heiser teaches what reverse interlinears are and how they work (:10), and an animation explains Logos Mobile Education (3:45). Connect your translation to the original text The Logos reverse interlinear feature simplifies your original...