Irenaeus of Lyons is essential to any study of early Christianity, whether theological or historical. He was an important witness to events, episodes, and people at a critical moment in Christianity’s early growth. He was also the first to practice...
Is there such a thing as evangelical theology (emphasis on the modifier, evangelical)? Whether a theology can be evangelical is a disputed idea. Much of the confusion has to do with imprecise definitions of both evangelical and theology. I hope to...
Why limit theological training to just pastors? Theology (theo, God; logia, study of) is the study of who God is and what he is like. With a subject that vast, those who plan to lead churches often spend large amounts of time and money pursuing...
The sixth interview in our series on the OUP Handbooks is with Matthew Levering, co-editor of The Oxford Handbook of the Trinity. Some of the best of the Oxford Handbooks series are entering the Logos digital library, and they are currently...
"While the Handbook is hardly a substitute for the real thing, Barth is a fairly intimidating author."
The fourth interview in our series on the OUP Handbooks is with Robert Kolb, Professor Emeritus of Systematic Theology at Concordia Seminary, St. Louis, editor of The Oxford Handbook of Martin Luther’s Theology. The LAB sat down (virtually) with...
by Phillip Cary The key concept in The Meaning of Protestant Theology is there in the subtitle: The Gospel that Gives Us Christ. That’s the core of Protestant theology and the key to its meaning, as well as the center of the distinctively...
"Grudem’s new chapter deserves a full response, and particularly one which presses in on the coherence of his affirmation of eternal generation with his reaffirmation of eternal functional subordination and with his view of the divine will"
"Within Barth, there is a fresh and vibrant way in which to view revelation as well as better understand the human element within the text itself."
Ryan Nelson discusses the importance of apologetics and being able to discuss faith with others (:10), and Dr. Michael Heiser discusses God as man in the Old Testament (2:50). Start studying apologetics Challenges to Christianity come from a...
Dr. Andrew Naselli summarizes the entire Bible in one sentence (:10), and a Logos Pro teaches how to use the Proverbs Explorer tool (2:05). Study the New Testament with Dr. Andrew Naselli Introducing the New Testament: A Short Guide to Its History...
You’ve probably experienced triage if you’ve ever visited an emergency room. . . . medical triage: assigning degrees of urgency to wounds or illnesses to decide in what order to treat a large number of patients. Triage is the action of sorting...
Dr. Greg Forster talks about how developing a theology of work affects our understanding of economics (0:10), and Matt and Lauren Chandler explain why marriage books sometimes cause more harm than good (5:24). Take a closer look at the theology of...
An interview with Justin Wise on establishing your church’s social media presence (:10), and Dr. Steve Runge discusses how to find joy in your work (5:40). Establish your church’s social media presence Did you know that you can see reviews of...
I thought, “If a nonbeliever can study theology, certainly believers should be studying theology with folks of different theologies.”
Dr. Michael Heiser teaches what reverse interlinears are and how they work (:10), and an animation explains Logos Mobile Education (3:45). Connect your translation to the original text The Logos reverse interlinear feature simplifies your original...
"There is a sense in which we can say that men like Gerstner, and Edwards before him, 'lost' their battles with Culture."
"Reading Cyril has helped me to see . . . that the heart of our faith is a person."
Ah, theological journals. They’re outstanding resources for keeping up with scholarship in theology—and so much more. But until now (with the new Galaxie Theological Journal Library Subscription), there’s been a problem. Three problems, actually . ...
The new habitus of the Christian community "is always patterned around the death and resurrection of Jesus."
Part of the beauty of Christianity is in its enduring relevance for all people in every age. Charles Octavius Boothe (1845–1924), an African-American man born into slavery and later freed, became a pastor to help average or uneducated people...
*Editor’s note: I recently approached Ryan Lytton asking him to conduct an interview with Fuller Seminary regarding their upcoming move to Pomona. He responded by getting two interviews, the first one with Amos Yong, and the second with...
Get wisdom, get understanding; do not forget my words or turn away from them. Proverbs 4:5 Wisdom and understanding are everywhere available but are nevertheless ostensibly rarely found. A student of the Word must be diligent in their search but...
Photos by Tavis Bohlinger One of the advantages to living in the UK is the ease with which one can get from London to Manchester, Oxford to Edinburgh, or, in my case last week, from Durham to Aberdeen. I found out on very short notice that Philip...
by Kevin J. Vanhoozer | Trinity Evangelical Divinity School There’s a word for describing the latest cultural fad of bringing back styles, fashions, or designs from the recent past: “retro.” Vinyl records are popular once again despite the superior...
While many New Testament scholars may know a whole lot about Matthew–Revelation, many lack the ability to pick up and read Josephus and Clement in the original Greek, or Seneca and Cicero in Latin. This reveals not just a severe lack of language...
Today’s guest post is by Dr. Daniel Bush, author of Live in Liberty: The Spiritual Message of Galatians and Embracing God as Father: Christian Identity in the Family of God. Dan holds a B.Sci. from Michigan Technological University, the M.Div...
One of my teachers in the Seminary once remarked that theology has the tendency of making theological students and teachers become complacent and lukewarm about spiritual things. At first, I joined others in criticizing the teacher’s statement on...
One of the most influential of all British Baptists wrote the following lines: The old truth that Calvin preached, that Augustine preached, that Paul preached, is the truth that I must preach today, or else be false to my conscience and my God. I...