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Tag - theology

The Bible Summarized in One Sentence

Dr. Andrew Naselli summarizes the entire Bible in one sentence (:10), and a Logos Pro teaches how to use the Proverbs Explorer tool (2:05). Study the New Testament with Dr. Andrew Naselli Introducing the New Testament: A Short Guide to Its History...

Finding Time for Theological Education

Dr. Michael Heiser teaches what reverse interlinears are and how they work (:10), and an animation explains Logos Mobile Education (3:45). Connect your translation to the original text The Logos reverse interlinear feature simplifies your original...

Theology and Spirituality in Seminary

One of my teachers in the Seminary once remarked that theology has the tendency of making theological students and teachers become complacent and lukewarm about spiritual things. At first, I joined others in criticizing the teacher’s statement on...

A Baptist Defense of Calvinism

One of the most influential of all British Baptists wrote the following lines: The old truth that Calvin preached, that Augustine preached, that Paul preached, is the truth that I must preach today, or else be false to my conscience and my God. I...

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