When God established the feasts in the Old Testament, he set milestones to remind his people about who he was and how he had rescued them (over and over). While many Christians no longer celebrate the feasts, there are still plenty of places on our...
The simplest definition of prayer is talking to God. While that’s certainly true, prayer is also a unique place where we experience the breadth and depth of the Christian life. Still, prayer isn’t easy—even though it’s one of the most vital parts of...
Dr. Andy Naselli gives a tip for careful Bible interpretation (0:10), and Michael Heiser discusses the philosophy of Bible translations (1:45). Choose the translations that fit your study needs Over 200 popular Bible translations are available in...
Christians constantly need to be refreshed in the amazing grace they live beneath. As we get yanked into busyness and to-do lists, we have tendencies to make light of the redemptive gift purchased on the cross. Here are seven quotes specifically...