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How Can I Overlay Text on a Live Display?


Today, we’ll be talking about overlaying text on a live video with Proclaim.

How can I overlay text on a live display with Proclaim?

Adding song lyrics and Scripture to the slides on your live stream church service lets viewers follow along without breaking the connection to those on the platform. It’s simple to create this display in Proclaim, and you can even choose if you want these “lower thirds” to show on your main video feed or just on your Live Stream.

If you’re already using OBS or a similar encoder, you’re only a few short steps away from inserting lower thirds. You can follow the steps here. And even better—once you create the look you want, Proclaim lets you Duplicate or Reuse the service items you just made, which saves you time in the future.


What if you want to limit this display to your live stream?

Adding a virtual screen makes it easy. Just open the Settings menu, click the Display tab, and select Add virtual screen. Proclaim creates a new tab for your virtual screen when your service items are in EDIT mode. Now you’re ready to add your alternate content.

Learn more about setting up virtual screens, configuring your display outputs, or customizing the display for different parts of your service.


We hope this answers some of your questions. Feel free to add any others below!

You can also find many answers by checking out our Help Center or by reaching out to us.

Proclaim 4: Create Excellent Presentations Every Week. Click to see what's new in Proclaim church presentation software.

Brandmark x
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Logos Staff

Logos is the largest developer of tools that empower Christians to go deeper in the Bible.

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Brandmark x Written by Logos Staff