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Watch Archaeology & Jesus with Your Church for Free!


For years, skeptical scholars claimed that the gospel accounts of Jesus’ burial could not be trusted. Why? For one, claimed the skeptics, Roman authorities would never allow a victim of crucifixion to receive the honorific burial described by Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John. Instead, crucifixion victims were literally thrown to the dogs, their bodies tossed into mass graves where wild animals scavenged.

But in 1968, building contractors uncovered an ancient burial site that lent credence to the gospel accounts. There they found the body of a young man who had received a proper burial—even though he had been crucified.

This is just one example of how archaeological discoveries corroborate and often confirm the biblical record.

Now you can share those fascinating stories with your entire church. Faithlife’s riveting film series Archaeology & Jesus is included in the two-week free trial to the Logos Mobile Ed and Faithlife TV+ Church Subscription.


Getting your church on board

Getting your church started with a trial is free, simple, and you can do it yourself, right now.

When you do, everyone in your church will get instant access to over 8,000 videos covering 1,500 hours of biblical content. That means you could host a screening of Archaeology & Jesus with your church, your small group could learn about Romans from one of Christianity’s most celebrated scholars, you could explore your identity in Christ during personal devotions—and lots, lots more.

There’s no credit card required to activate your free trial, and getting your church on board is as simple as spreading the word:

  • Start your free trial
  • Create a Faithlife Group for your church (if one doesn’t already exist).
  • Tell everyone in your church they can access free Christian videos when they join your church’s Faithlife group.
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Logos Staff

Logos is the largest developer of tools that empower Christians to go deeper in the Bible.

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