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What Informs Your Interpretation of Genesis?

lexham bible guide genesis

What influences your interpretation of Scripture? What is the origin of the particular interpretation you hold? Are you familiar with alternative interpretations? How would you defend your interpretation against others?

Although apologists are usually the ones asking these questions, anyone seeking to interpret Scripture should do the same. We think of ourselves as unbiased, logical people, but reading others’ opinions reveals whether we truly are. Such reading also informs our discussions about Scripture, making us better interpreters and better conversationalists, evangelists, and preachers.

Each part of Scripture deserves close examination, but Genesis holds a special place in the canon. It’s a rich, complex book that’s referenced throughout the Bible and that serves as a theological backdrop for much of Scripture. As such, it will shape how you interpret the Bible.

We all wrestle with questions about the origins of the world, the first sin, and where we came from. Genesis tells the story of humanity and God—our story.

The Lexham Bible Guides: Genesis Collection unravels the book’s complicated differences of interpretation. It breaks down each passage, helping you understand what each section contributes and how they fit together. This collection will guide you into a deeper study of Genesis while simultaneously improving your understanding of the entire biblical narrative, which depends on this book’s foundational theology. Understanding Genesis will equip you to answer your own apologetic questions and others’.

Why spend hours in research when Logos can help? Leverage our research team’s work. Get into Genesis in a way that will enhance your understanding of it and the entire Bible. Pick up the Lexham Bible Guides: Genesis Collection today.

Through October 18, use coupon code LBGGEN2 to save on Lexham Bible Guides: Genesis Collection.

Written by
John D. Barry

Rev. John D. Barry is an author, chaplain, nonprofit founder, and Bible scholar. John is the author or editor of 30 books, the general editor of Faithlife Study Bible and Lexham Bible Dictionary, and the former editor-in-chief of Bible Study Magazine.

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 x Written by John D. Barry