Digital Logos Edition
Pentecost's desire is not so much to have a "classroom" study of the Spirit, as it is to have the reader meet the Spirit in daily life.
Personal, intimate fellowship between the believer and the Spirit is essential for spiritual growth. God's purpose in redemption is to bring believers into fellowship with Himself. He has therefore given the believer a mind to know Him, a heart to love Him, and a Person to commune with him—the person of the Holy Spirit.
Some of the subjects discussed in the eighteen chapters of this work include the nature of the Spirit, the filling of the Spirit, the baptism of the Spirit, the Spirit and the inspiration of Scripture, the witness of the Spirit to the world, and the gifts of the Spirit.
“Jesus was speaking of a special relationship which was enjoyed by a chosen few, and the disciples were among those chosen ones who had been brought into a special relationship with the Holy Spirit so that it could be said, ‘he dwelleth with you.’ And that which was enjoyed by the disciples was enjoyed by selected individuals throughout the Old Testament.” (Page 52)
“Eye hath not seen, nor ear heard, neither have entered into the heart of man, the things which God hath prepared for them that love him. But God hath revealed them unto us by his Spirit…’ (1 Corinthians 2:9–10). The Holy Spirit is the agent in divine revelation and that which is incomprehensible and undiscoverable to the natural mind has been revealed to us by Him.” (Page 21)
“Spiritual gifts are not to be sought by men. A man does not receive a spiritual gift because he prayed for it, because he sought it, coveted it, trained for it. Spiritual gifts are a sovereign bestowal apart from the will or the inclination of the individual.” (Pages 169–170)
“Holy Spirit: the Holy Spirit as the revealer of truth; the Holy Spirit and His relationship to divine revelation.” (Page 21)
“The word is used of sails that are filled with the wind. Now the result of filling sails with wind is that the boat moves. The sails are not truly filled with the wind when the wind simply billows them out, but they are, in the full sense, filled with the wind when the boat is moved, or carried along by the wind that is in the sail. In this Scriptural sense, when the Apostle Paul is talking about the filling of the Spirit, he is talking not only about the Spirit dwelling in a person, but about the added thought that the One who indwells moves the one who is filled into a new course of action, and produces a new kind of life.” (Page 158)