“‘when you walk against the Spirit, it creates a drag on your life. Everything you do becomes harder. It takes more energy to do less. So when you go against His Spirit, you’re fighting against the Wind. And you can’t walk against the direction of the Wind without getting weary and worn out.’” (source)
“The kharoset and bitter herbs represent bondage and suffering. And what was the betrayal? It was the delivering of Messiah over to bondage and suffering.” (source)
“The Spirit is the Holy Spirit. Therefore, it blows in the direction of the holy, and blows against the direction of the unholy.” (source)
“‘Only by opening yourself up can you come to know that which you don’t already know. And only by becoming an open vessel can you contain that which is greater than yourself. The truth is always greater than our knowing. Your mind and heart are finite, clay jars. But the truth has no end. God has no end. The Eternal is infinite . . . always flowing.’” (source)
“The door is not the temptation, nor the sin. It’s that which would lead you to the temptation and the sin. That’s the key. Make it your aim not only to avoid the temptation. Locate the door to the temptation and then stay as far away from it as possible. For it is the wise who, instead of dealing with temptation and sin, deal with doors.” (source)
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