Digital Logos Edition
In Freedom for Obedience, Donald G. Bloesch endeavors “to present a viable alternative to legalistic ethics on the one hand and situational and relativistic ethics on the other,” to “arouse the wider Christian community in general and the evangelical community in particular to explore anew the theological foundations for both personal holiness and social justice.” He notes that the “thesis of this book is that human justice can never be a substitute for divine justification . . . but it can be a sign and witness to the justifying grace of God in Jesus Christ. Humanitarian works can never reach the heights of deeds of sacrificial love and mercy, but they can point to this higher righteousness and awaken a thirst for it.”
For more by Donald G. Bloesch, see Select Works of Donald G. Bloesch (9 vols.).
Excellent research . . . a valuable resource for academic and religious collections.
—Library Journal
Donald Bloesch has distinguished himself as a leading spokesman for evangelical theology.
—Christianity Today
To ignore this book . . . would be to ignore a veritable beacon of light.
—The Reformed Journal
Bloesch’s command of his sources is stunning. Indispensable for ministers and seminarians.
—Kirkus Review