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Bible Study Magazine is a print magazine (not an emagazine) published by Lexham Press. Six times a year, Bible Study Magazine delivers tools and methods for Bible study as well as insights from respected teachers, professors, historians, and archeologists.
Read pastor profiles, author interviews, and stories of individuals whose thoughtful engagement with Scripture has shaped their thinking and defined their ministries. Bible Study Magazine reveals the impact of God’s Word in their lives—and the power of Scripture in yours.
There are a limited supply of back issues of the September–October 2016 Bible Study Magazine.
Growing up in a non-Christian home, Randy Alcorn’s fi rst thoughts of God and spirituality were of emptiness and absence. With only limited exposure to the Bible, Alcorn—now a speaker, author, and director of Eternal Perspective Ministries—recalls a sort of spiritual awakening as a young teenager, when he joined a school astronomy club.
—Jessi Strong
There are many great tools out there to help you dig into God’s Word, from theological dictionaries to commentaries to study Bibles. But have you ever thought about using the Apostles’ Creed as a study guide?
—Michael F. Bird
Christians often talk about dark spiritual forces working against them in a range of situations, from disagreements with a neighbor to claims of demonic possession. Sadly, the way the New Testament portrays spiritual confl ict is all too often neglected.
—Michael S. Heiser
The Colossians poem celebrates the marvelous disclosure of God in Christ by means of a series of contrasting images, which include: things visible and invisible; the creator and creation; heaven and earth; eternity and time; and God’s order and good pleasure in the reconciliation between God and opponents through the cross of Christ. Through this beautiful combination of imagery, Paul shows us what God looks like.
—Linda Oaks Garrett