500 years ago Luther set into motion a movement that would ultimately change the face of our world forever; the Reformation.
In Luther and His World you will discover the man behind the movement who led the rebellion against the established church.
The world of the early reformers is filled with danger, but also with purpose and passion. Martin Luther led battles, argued over doctrine and questioned how the church should go forward.
In Luther and His World Graham Tomlin examines the build up towards the greatest rebellions in church history. How did it all unfold? Where did it begin? Why did it happen? After exploring all these questions, Graham offers his conclusions over how Luther's writings and teaching have revolutionized our world.
Everyone interested in church history seeking a solid, accessible and engaging introduction to the Reformation and Martin Luther should read this book. It encapsulates the world in which the rebellion began and explains the outcomes of the revolutions with clarity and accuracy.
"An accessible account of Luther, his life, thoughts, writings and all that surrounded him. Tomlin's writing is readable and informative... For most people, this packed-full, not so little, littlebook will be just enough for them to feel that they now 'get' Martin Luther." - Church of England Newspaper
Martin Luther's writings and teachings revolutionised his world.
Introduction 4
1: The Friar 7
2: The Theologian 23
3: The Discovery 39
4: The Fight 55
5: The Climax 73
6: The Leader 90
7: The Breach 108
8: The Patriarch 124
9: The Legacy 140
Chronology 150
Suggestions for Further Reading 152
Index 154