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Witnessing 101

ISBN: 9781418535612


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Teens talk to their friends about sports, fashion, and relationships. But how do they talk to their friends about their most important relationship-with Jesus Christ? Witnessing 101 is a fast-paced and informative guide that can help youth do just that. Beginning with the true gospel message, this book takes teens from the basics of evangelism to the specifics of witnessing to friends at school, in their communities, and even on the Internet. This book offers teens practical advice on what to say-and what not to say-when sharing Christ. It is a must-have resource for Christian youth and youth leaders.

Topics include:

  • what isn't the Gospel
  • how to be a friend first
  • how to write your testimony
  • bad witnessing strategies
  • keeping your passion alive, and more!

Chapter One: Reality CheckChapter Two: The Truth about TruthChapter Three: The Life of JesusChapter Four: What The Gospel IsChapter Five: The Life of a DiscipleChapter Six: Not the GospelChapter Seven: How to be a FriendChapter Eight: Bad IdeasChapter Nine: Crafting Your StoryChapter Ten: One Person Strategy MeetingChapter Eleven: What To SayChapter Twelve: What If Someone Says YesChapter Thirteen: Failing and Freaking OutChapter Fourteen: Long-haul evangelismChapter Fifteen: Living LoudChapter Sixteen: Get It On

Product Details

  • Title : Witnessing 101
  • Author: Baker, Tim
  • Publisher: Thomas Nelson
  • Publication Date: 2003
  • ISBN: 9781418535612


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