Digital Logos Edition
Long overshadowed by the apostle Paul, Peter has received increased scholarly attention of late. Building on that resurgence of interest, nineteen internationally prominent scholars of early Christian history examine and reassess the historical Peter and his significance, offering a comprehensive view of Peter through analysis both of New Testament texts and of noncanonical literature.
Applicable across the canonical post-canonical divide, this fascinating proposal relates to calls for the recognition of other forms of trans-textual ‘discourse marker’ in early Christian studies.
—Journal for the Study of The New Testament Booklist
This rich collection of essays makes a significant contribution to the growing interest in the ‘after-life’ as well as the ‘real life’ of the founding figures of the Jesus movement and of early Christianity. The breadth of topics and the variety of scholarly perspectives hint at the lively conversations that lie behind the essays. Readers will find here much stimulation to probe further into the figure of Peter.
—Judith Lieu, University of Cambridge