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Products>Best Jokes Ever: Jokes for Kids

Best Jokes Ever: Jokes for Kids


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How many tickles does it take to make an octopus laugh? 

Why was Cinderella so bad at soccer?
Because she was always running away from the ball, she kept losing her shoes, and she had  a pumpkin for a coach.

How do trees get on the internet?
They log in.

What type of music are balloons afraid of?
Pop music!

Young comedians love to share hilari- ous, side-splitting jokes with anyone who will listen. These witty kids are always looking for new material, hungry for the next best thing.

Satisfy their comic needs with Best. Jokes. Ever., a brand-new collection of laughs, giggles, and guffaws.

Beware--it is sure entertain for days to come! 

Product Details

  • Title : Best Jokes Ever: Jokes for Kids
  • Author: Grace, Chantelle
  • Publisher: Broadstreet Publishing Group, LLC
  • Publication Date: 2017
  • ISBN: 9781424555444

CHANTELLE GRACE is a witty wordsmith who loves music, art, and competitive games. She is also fascinated by God’s intricate design of the human body. As a recent graduate from The University of Auckland with a degree in Nursing, she knows it’s important to share the gift of laughter with those around her. While she grew up in the frozen tundra of Minnesota, she currently resides in the beautiful country of New Zealand where she works as a registered nurse.


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