Digital Logos Edition
“The parable is employed expressly to teach that it is not everyone casually employed that is selected as a permanent servant by the owner of the vineyard. This reason is of itself decisive. There are others. It is not fitting that any class of the saved should be represented by those who ‘murmur against the good man of the house,’ or who have an ‘evil eye.’” (Page 156)
“So the last shall be first and the first last: for many be called but few chosen.’” (Page 156)
“but because the others had received a greater amount, they grumbled” (Page 156)
“First, Jesus deals with the sincere aspect. He tells the disciples frankly that the counterpart of their fellowship with him in the day of his contempt would be a participation in his power and glory, when he should sit upon his throne in the day of restitution. He further says that ‘everyone’ who had sacrificed for His sake would be recompensed a hundredfold and inherit everlasting life.” (Page 155)
“It will not be affirmable that any man has ascended up to heaven until the Son of Man having ascended thither, and being there for a while, descends to the earth again.’” (Page 68)