In the Church History: Foundational Study Bundle you’ll study the dynamic growth of the Church from the crucifixion of Jesus to the twenty-first century. You’ll learn the Jewish, Greek, and Roman background of the early church, the enduring legacies of leaders and Church movements, and trace the historical development of Christian doctrine. These courses will help you understand and articulate Christianity’s rich history of the past 2,000 years.
Jeffrey Marshall An hour ago
Dr. Frank James III, Your Teaching on Worship and baptism in the early church is so skewed and corrupted by those who came after our dearly beloved Apostles and you are NOOOOwhere trying to correctly teach to your students the actual teachings of thoses said Apostles. I am shamed and saddened by this corrupting of church history that you espouse. For 1.There was no waiting time taught or espoused by JESUS or the Apostles before a believer could be baptized. 2. No one was baptized naked under the teaching of JESUS or the Apostles. That all came many years later after the Apostles where dead and gone. This an perfect example of how truth can be corrupted by man and his evil bent. I would ask everyone taking Dr. James's couse to look back to Bible for their instruction on Christian baptism. It was performed in water with invocation of JESUS name over the inductee.