Digital Logos Edition
The volumes in Belief: A Theological Commentary on the Bible, from Westminster John Knox Press, offer a fresh and invigorating approach to Bible commentaries. Building on a wide range of sources from biblical studies, the history of theology, the church’s liturgical and musical traditions, contemporary culture, and the Christian tradition, noted scholars focus less on traditional historical and literary angles and more on a theologically focused commentary that considers the contemporary relevance of the texts. This series is an invaluable resource for those who want to probe beyond the backgrounds and words of biblical texts to their deep theological and ethical meanings for the church today.
For more from this series, see here.
As one who preaches regularly and teaches both clergy and laity, I find the Belief series to be just the kind of resource I depend upon for my own preparation and to recommend to adults who wish to move carefully through a book of the Bible. The approach is scholarly rich, theologically nuanced, and accessible to the thoughtful reader.
—Patricia J. Lull, bishop of the Saint Paul Area Synod, Evangelical Lutheran Church in America
For the preacher who seeks to do justice not only to biblical texts in all their complexity, but also to the richness of historical and contemporary theology, the Belief series offers a vital new tool.
—Maxwell Grant, senior minister, Second Congregational Church of Greenwich, United Church of Christ
Again and again, the careful scholarship and liveliness of the witness of each author have not only brought theological insight, but also new frameworks for preaching and looking at my own life of faith. This is an excellent series, the best one I have found for parish ministry.
—Kelly Nelson, pastor, Christ Lutheran Church, Crawfordsville, IN
Intentionally theological in interpretation, Belief: A Theological Commentary on the Bible is extraordinary, inspiring, innovative, and passionate for Christ in its vision. Its priority is not interpreting the Scriptures from historical-critical perspectives of biblical scholarship but providing theological interpretations for building up the church of Jesus Christ. Written with pastors in mind, this series is an excellent resource for discerning the intention of the Holy Spirit through the Scriptures and for preaching the love of God.
—Andrew Sung Park, professor of theology, United Theological Seminary
Surely, Belief will assist pastors, laypersons, and scholars both in reading the Bible better and in doing better theology for decades to come.
—Cynthia Rigby, W.C. Brown Professor of Theology, Austin Presbyterian Theological Seminary
Amy Plantinga Pauw is Henry P. Mobley Jr. Professor of Doctrinal Theology at Louisville Presbyterian Theological Seminary. She is the editor of the Belief series, which she developed with the late William C. Placher. Her books include The Supreme Harmony of All: Jonathan Edwards’ Trinitarian Theology, Making Time for God: Daily Devotions for Children and Families to Share with Susan Garrett, and Essays in Reformed Feminist and Womanist Dogmatics with Serene Jones.
William C. Placher was Charles D. and Elizabeth S. LaFollette Distinguished Professor in the Humanities and chair of the Department of Philosophy and Religion at Wabash College in Crawfordsville, Indiana. He is the author or editor of a number of books, including A History of Christian Theology, Second Edition, Essentials of Christian Theology, and Jesus the Savior, all published by Westminster John Knox Press.