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The Kingdom of God

ISBN: 9781426728099


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This book traces the history of the biblical idea of the Kingdom of God and suggests its contemporary relevance. “To grasp what is meant by the Kingdom of God is to come very close to the heart of the Bible’s gospel of salvation.”—from the Preface

Top Highlights

“WE HAVE COME TO THE END OF WHAT WE SET OUT TO DO. THE BIBLICAL CONCEPT OF THE PEOPLE OF GOD, AND THE CONCOMITANT EXPECTATION of the Kingdom of God, have been traced from their roots in the Mosaic faith to the closing vision of the New Testament of ‘the holy city, new Jerusalem, coming down out of heaven from God’” (source)

“Indeed, it may come as a surprise to learn that outside of the Gospels the expression ‘Kingdom of God’ is not very common in the New Testament, while in the Old Testament it does not occur at all. But the concept is by no means confined to the New Testament. While it underwent, as we shall see, a radical mutation on the lips of Jesus, it had a long history and is, in one form or another, ubiquitous in both Old Testament and New. It involves the whole notion of the rule of God over his people, and particularly the vindication of that rule and people in glory at the end of history. That was the Kingdom which the Jews awaited.” (source)

“between a Kingdom which is present and which we may enter and a Kingdom we can neither be nor create.” (source)

“‘The time is fulfilled, and the kingdom of God is at hand; repent, and believe in the gospel” (source)

“Kingdom remained an unconsummated thing of the future which had yet to come in its power.” (source)

Product Details

  • Title : The Kingdom of God
  • Author: Bright, John
  • Publisher: Abingdon Press
  • Publication Date: 2010
  • ISBN: 9781426728099


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