Digital Logos Edition
For nearly 30 years, the Journal of Biblical Counseling (previously the Journal of Pastoral Practice) of CCEF (the Christian Counseling and Educational Foundation) has provided a forum for biblical counseling’s development and application. The journal’s mission is to develop clear thinking and effective practice in biblical counseling through articles that faithfully bring the God of truth, mercy, and power to the issues faced by ministries of counseling and discipleship.
“But God does not leave us in fearful paralysis or ignorance with one another, for ‘… one who has insight draws them out’ (Pro 20:5). An understanding and wise person is skillfully able to draw out the hidden thoughts and intentions of the heart. Suicidal thoughts, desires, and motives often lie concealed beneath the surface of what a person is able and willing to verbalize.” (Volume 26, Number 2, Page 33)
“Remove the means of committing suicide to make it more difficult to execute a suicide plan” (Volume 26, Number 2, Page 40)
“Be careful not to communicate fearfulness, judgment, self-righteousness or irritation” (Volume 26, Number 2, Pages 35–36)
“It helps a person to know that the Vinedresser is pruning purposefully. It greatly helps all of us to know that God typically works on something specific, not everything at once.” (Volume 26, Number 2, Page 31)
“Excuses or reasons for dying are present and strongly believed: A person may feel incompetent” (Volume 26, Number 2, Page 35)