Digital Logos Edition
In this practical volume on living the Christian life, A. T. Pierson covers regulation of thought, affection, moods, disposition, passions, speech, conduct, manners, reading habits, companionships, nerves, proper entertainment, and more.
“Paul wrote to the Colossians not only to think on things above, but to set their affections on them—to seat them there, as Christ is seated at the right hand of God. We need to be permanently inclined, disposed, in this heavenly direction; to fix our affections, like clinging tendrils, upon God, having in Him a personal object around Whom to twine, and in Whom to find both satisfaction and support. Such seeking of things above implies deliberate withdrawal of affection from lower objects, and transfer of desire and delight, preference and purpose, to the higher. Nothing lower than God and Heaven deserves to be central and controlling.” (Pages 11–12)
“But no life is pure in God’s eyes where thought is not kept form evil; unguarded thoughts, sooner or later, find their way to the lips and outer life. The same prayer that asks to be kept back from ‘presumptuous sins’ seeks ‘meditation of heart’ that is acceptable in God’s sight (Psalm 19:13, 14).” (Page 5)
“Affection is a habitual bent toward an object—a permanent attitude and habitude, not dependent upon the presence of its object for its existence or persistence.” (Page 11)
“Our affections also determine our influence. What moves men is not mind so much as heart” (Page 14)
“Nothing can more offend God and degrade us than a foul imagination. If we walk in the Spirit, such images cannot be tolerated, much less cherished. Holy living and pure thinking are vitally linked.” (Pages 6–7)