Digital Logos Edition
In his commentary on Paul’s ultimate treatise on the Christian faith, C. H. Dodd brings the Moffat commentary series’ mission of putting reliable commentary in the hands of lay-people to one of the most complexly constructed New Testament books.
“Wrath is the effect of human sin: mercy is not the effect of human goodness, but is inherent in the character of God.” (Page 23)
“is good to the undeserving, supremely expressed in that Christ died for the ungodly.” (Page 201)
“One of the primary social manifestations of agapé is peace.” (Page 199)
“We may therefore conclude without hesitation, on the basis of Acts 20:2–3, that Paul was in ‘Greece’ (i.e. the province of Achaia), and in all probability at Corinth, the capital of the province and the site of its most important church, or else at Cenchreae, its port. This is confirmed by Rom. 16:1.” (Page xxv)
“without the crude attempt of the individual to uphold it by ‘getting even with’ people who have done him wrong.” (Page 200)