Digital Logos Edition
In this fresh and expansive work, Ellen Davis offers a comprehensive interpretation of the prophetic role and word in the Christian Scripture. Davis carefully outlines five essential features of the prophetic role and then systematically examines seven representations of prophets and prophecies. Thoroughly theological in nature, Davis’s volume provides both instruction and insight for understanding prophecy in Christian tradition and discipleship. This volume concludes with a rich discussion of practical matters, including the relationship between Christian discipleship and prophetic interpretation and the role of biblical prophecy in interfaith contexts.
“In word and deed, they interpreted the faith for their time, and equally, they interpreted the times for the faithful” (Page 3)
“Real prophets suffer evil along with the people they address, and therefore they often plead for divine forbearance in the face of human frailty (see Amos 7:1–6).” (Pages 101–102)
“reading the Bible against ourselves is a major public responsibility of the Christian teacher and theologian” (Page 6)
“engage in both kinds of intercessory prayer, for the innocent and for the guilty” (Page 25)