Digital Logos Edition
In his well known confrontational yet compassionate style, Tony Evans challenges readers to gain a deeper appreciation of their salvation by comprehending how sin offends and separates us from the Holy One. Get prepared to have your gratitude for salvation “totally” deepened and your walk with Christ “totally” transformed.
“Sin is anything that fails to conform to the holy and perfect character of God.” (Page 17)
“Anytime we let another human being become more important to us than God, that’s sin.” (Page 21)
“When we trust Christ, we move from being totally condemned to totally saved!” (Page 34)
“The biblical term for this glorious verdict is justification. I say ‘verdict’ because the Greek word translated ‘justify’ means to announce a favorable verdict, or to declare righteous. It is a legal term taken from the courtroom. A basic definition of justification is ‘a judicial act by which God declares righteous those who believe in Jesus Christ.’ The Bible is clear that justification comes from God alone, for ‘God is the one who justifies’ (Romans 8:33).” (Page 33)
“But only those who place their faith in the finished work of Christ for salvation experience God’s special or saving grace. Let’s look deeper into God’s grace as it relates to our great salvation.” (Page 111)