Digital Logos Edition
Thoroughly biblical, Stanley Gale’s brief booklet guides us from Genesis to Revelation, laying out a spiritual, yet practical guide to standing daily against Satan and his schemes. Focusing on the redemptive work of Christ, he exposes Satan’s tactics, and gives us a battle plan of resistance of standing and abiding in Christ.
“Satan’s tactics include deception, temptation, and accusation.” (Page 34)
“Satan is the siren who would lure us to the rocks of spiritual ruin and impotency in Christ’s service. He tempts us, playing on the sin that remains in us—the lust of the eyes, the lust of the flesh, and the pride of life. He tantalizes the lust of the eyes that sees and yearns after the world’s trinkets. He arouses the lust of the flesh that indulges in anger and sexual impurity. He incites the pride of life that is more concerned for pleasing men than God, more concerned for exalting self than God, urging us to seek first our own kingdom and our righteousness, rather than Christ’s.” (Page 36)
“The locus for spiritual warfare is union with Christ. All this reinforces the notion that the battle is the Lord’s. In spiritual warfare our victory is in Christ; our refuge and strength are in Christ; our confidence is in Christ; our hope is in Christ. The better we learn to abide in Christ the more capable and vigorous we will be for battle as we live in and live out his victory.” (Page 22)
“Against the devil’s deceptions, we are to stand firmly with both feet on the revealed truth of God’s written Word” (Page 35)
“and camaraderie in mission. We need the fellowship of the brethren to watch our backs, to encourage” (Page 34)