Digital Logos Edition
The role of women in the church is highly debated, with Christians on all sides using Paul’s teachings in 1 Timothy to justify their positions. Now in its third edition, this classic book edited by Andreas Köstenberger and Thomas Schreiner offers a robust exegesis of 1 Timothy 2:9–15, looking at the passage’s background, syntax, grammar, and enduring significance. Featuring updated essays and fresh contributions based on the latest research—including an in-depth discussion of the meaning of the phrase “exercise authority”—this volume stands as the most comprehensive exploration of this contested passage to date.
“But in the first century, based on our substantial evidence base, no women at all filled municipal magistracies (the prytany will be explained below), though a few did fill particular high-status priesthoods in the city and province. So the city is still best described as somewhat typically patriarchal.” (Page 32)
“Most scholars today argue that this word does not actually mean ‘silence’ here but refers to a quiet demeanor and spirit that is peaceable instead of argumentative.” (Page 186)
“Thus, the implied subject refers to the Christian women of Ephesus and by extension to all Christian women everywhere.” (Page 220)
“Paul selected childbearing, then, as a specific response to the shafts from the false teachers. Referring to childbearing is also appropriate because it represents the fulfillment of the woman’s domestic role as a mother in distinction from the man.277 Paul, then, probably highlighted childbearing by synecdoche as representing the appropriate role for women. This interpretation rounds out the passage because a woman should not violate her role by teaching or exercising authority over a man; instead, she should take her proper role as a mother of children.” (Pages 221–222)
“Thus, women are proscribed from functioning as pastors/elders/overseers,130 but Knight correctly observes that this verse also prohibits them from the public and authoritative teaching of men.131 Working this out in practice doesn’t mean that women are always prohibited from addressing a mixed audience of men and women. There are certainly contexts where this is appropriate.132 Women should not, however, ever serve as pastors and elders.” (Pages 192–193)