Recovering Spiritual Practices of the Past titles reach beyond commonly known spiritual formation practices in order to mine the wisdom of the past, bringing to light ways of thinking, living, and growing in Christ that the church today has largely overlooked.
In The Lost Discipline of Conversation, spiritual formation professor and author Joanne Jung walks readers through the Puritan practice of "conference," or focused, spiritual conversations intended to promote ongoing transformation. An antidote to privatized faith, conference calls believers to biblical literacy and soul care in a context of transparency and accountability.
Useful for believers in any sphere or ministry or stage in life, conference is ultimately a tool for nurturing mutual, godly authenticity within community.
“Listening to the sermon was like meditating upon Scripture, and as with meditation, it was not effortless. Attentive and engaged listening helped ensure the sermon message took root in the listener.” (source)
“A great paradox of our hyper-connected digital age is that we seem to be drifting apart,’ wrote Dhruv Khullar, a resident physician at Massachusetts General Hospital, in an editorial to the New York Times.” (source)
“The first and principal duty of a pastor is to feed the flock by diligent preaching of the word” (source)
“Conference as a means of grace involves both the Word of God and care for one another as souls” (source)
“Sermons ought to be understood, remembered, and applied to personal living.” (source)