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Products>Christian Economics: The Integration of Capitalism, Socialism, and Laborism

Christian Economics: The Integration of Capitalism, Socialism, and Laborism


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How is the Christian mandate to love your neighbor as yourself to be applied in business, economics, and politics? In what way does God want people to act within their jobs, their businesses, and their business transactions; treat tenants, other businesses, subordinates, and their employees; market their products and services and set prices; monitor the quality and safety of their products and services, and so on? Christian Economics promotes justice, fairness, balance, cooperation, and mutual respect within business, economics, and politics, and is based on three principles: good is to be done and promoted and evil is to be avoided; love your neighbor as yourself; and treat each and every human being with absolute dignity. Every business strategy, every business policy, and every business transaction needs to be based on these three principles.

Product Details

  • Title : Christian Economics: The Integration of Capitalism, Socialism, and Laborism
  • Author: Pivarunas, Dale Anthony
  • Publisher: Resource Publications
  • Publication Date: 2018
  • ISBN: 9781532658976

Dale Anthony Pivarunas has four degrees in mathematics, theology, business administration, and operations research.


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  1. Don Schuman

    Don Schuman


    Although the title is intriguing, it is a bit misleading. Christian economics is not the blending of capitalism, socialism, and laborism. Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself is not a call to rob the rich. Nor is it a call for government to determine who gets what. Pivarunas writes: The purpose of the government is to direct the corporation of the United States towards the attainment of its objective to satisfy the natural needs and desires of all Americans for safety, food, clothing, housing, a livelihood, education, healthcare, disability care, old age care, communication, recreation/entertainment, social interaction, acceptance and respect. That is the socialist definition of government. His book smacks of covetousness toward the wealthy, calling for a "rebalancing" of wealth, income, and private property. This is NOT Christian economics. It is an attempt to dupe Christians into adopting godless Socialism.


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