Karl Barth was one of the most important Christian theologians of the twentieth century, but his political views have often not been taken sufficiently into account. Beginning with a representative early essay by Karl Barth, this volume proceeds with essays by Friedrich-Wilhelm Marquardt, Helmut Gollwitzer, Hermann Diem, Dieter Schellong, Joseph Bettis, and George Hunsinger. These contributions engage both the relationship of Barth's theology to his socialist politics as well as Marquardt's analysis. This new edition expands upon the earlier one by adding three new essays by Hunsinger on Barth's theology and its relevance for human rights, liberation theology, and the theories of Rene Girard on violence and scapegoating. Hunsinger has extended the discussion as well as deepened our insight into how theology can speak meaningfully about fundamental issues of human need.
“Hunsinger is without question one of the world’s leading
authorities on Karl Barth, and this book was also without doubt one
of his most seminal contributions to Barth studies. Since its
original publication, Hunsinger’s Karl Barth and Radical
Politics has guided generations of students in understanding
Karl Barth’s theo-political vision. This new updated edition with
additional essays by Hunsinger is an enormous gift to us.”
—Willie James Jennings, Yale Divinity School
“This is a very welcome and timely second edition of
Hunsinger’s classic collection of arguments in German and
English-speaking countries over how engaging Barth’s theology
requires engaging Barth’s radical politics—Hunsinger’s new preface
and essays challenge progressives inside and outside the church to
deal with ‘the depredations of modern banks, intelligence agencies,
armament industries, and rapacious corporations’. Caveat
—James Buckley, Professor at Loyola University,
“George Hunsinger, being one of the best Barth scholars,
makes a great and provocative contribution to clarifying F. W.
Marquardt’s groundbreaking study of Barth’s theology for the
relevance of the living God in Jesus Christ to social political
issues, especially economic democracy. Like Weber’s thesis on the
Protestant ethic and the spirit of capitalism, an affinity between
Barth and democratic socialism, that Hunsinger convincingly
explores in regard to human rights, liberation, and race, promises
to serve as an acumen and red thread in further Barth research.
This cannot be overlooked.”
—Paul S. Chung, Author of Karl Barth: God’s Word in