Digital Logos Edition
This course will give you a view of eschatology as seen through the whole of Scripture. Dr. Paulien begins with the roots of eschatology in Genesis and takes you through the prophecies in the Old Testament, Jewish apocalyptic literature, the Gospels, Paul’s letters, and finally to Revelation. He helps you understand the text by explaining what the biblical authors believed in their time and place about the last days.
“This course in biblical eschatology is a course in biblical theology. We’re seeking to understand what the Bible writers believed in their time and place about the end of the world.” (source)
“Biblical theology is an attempt to understand what the writers of the Bible came to believe.” (source)
“So you see, as you seek to present the gospel to different kinds of people, as you seek to understand truth at different times and places, it is important to recognize that truth does act differently in different times and places. Systematic theology, by definition, does change, even though the Bible itself does not.” (source)
“Systematic theology, on the other hand, is changing. New questions arise, new issues come into focus, and people are constantly asking the question, ‘What does God want us to do today, as opposed to yesterday and before?’” (source)
“So biblical theology is thematically oriented, and therefore, it is also selective. When you’re doing theology, the question you ask selects the evidence.” (source)