Digital Logos Edition
“Those, therefore, who allege that old age is devoid of useful activity adduce nothing to the purpose, and are like those who would say that the pilot does nothing in the sailing of the ship, because, while others are climbing the masts, or running about the gangways, or working at the pumps, he sits quietly in the stern and simply holds the tiller. He may not be doing what younger members of the crew are doing, but what he does is better and much more important. It is not by muscle, speed, or physical dexterity that great things are achieved, but by reflection, force of character, and judgement; in these qualities old age is usually not only not poorer, but is even richer.” (Page 27)
“it is most delightful to have the consciousness of a life well spent and the memory of many deeds worthily performed.” (Page 19)
“for rashness is the product of the budding-time of youth, prudence of the harvest-time of age” (Page 29)
“For to those who have not the means within themselves of a virtuous and happy life every age is burdensome;” (Page 13)
“the greatest states have been overthrown by the young and sustained and restored by the old.” (Page 29)