Digital Logos Edition
Surveying the New Testament series unites nineteen esteemed Bible teachers, to accomplish one lofty task: to provide a user-friendly, theologically conservative, and financially affordable resource within the grasp of every serious student of the Word. This series provides a big picture overview of all 27 books of the New Testament, one chapter for each book. Each chapter begins with a concise introduction, followed by a carefully constructed outline and survey of each respective book. This survey highlights the most important concepts and explains the most difficult passages. This volume covers Hebrews through Revelation.
“Having made clear how the body of Christians are united by the indwelling Spirit, John now exhorts believers to manifest God’s love to his brothers. He begins with a paragraph (4:7–10) that opens and concludes with the same phrase, ‘dear friends’ or ‘beloved ones’ (4:7, 11).87 John explains that God embodies love as a divine character quality or attribute (4:8). The believer, His child, is to manifest love almost like a spiritual genetic component (4:7). God is the source of the believer’s love, the extent of which was evidenced by Christ’s death (4:7–10). The ultimate demonstration of God’s love was the sacrificial advent of His Son (4:9), providing the believer with eternal life through His satisfaction with Christ’s sacrifice (4:9b–10).” (1 John 4:7–16)
“The fullness of eternal life, experienced by the apostles, which is characterized by deep fellowship with God, is also available to all believers if they seek that fellowship with Christ through obedience to God’s commands expressed in the apostolic teachings.” (1 John)
“Gnosticism was the belief that the material world, including the body, is evil and the spiritual world is good.” (1 John)
“John describes the depths of God’s character, of which believers can come to a fuller understanding, as they deepen their level of fellowship with God.” (1 John 2:12–14)
“Here, the emphasis of the gospel of the tribulation period is ‘Repent, you have offended the Creator God.’” (Revelation 14:1–7)