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A Divine Revelation of Angels


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Best-selling author Mary Baxter describes dreams, visions, and revelations of angels that God has given her.
Explore the fascinating dynamics of angelic beings--their appearance, their assigned functions and roles, and how they operate, not only in the heavenly realms but also in our lives here on earth. Discover the difference between good angels and bad angels (demons) and their activities as you learn to distinguish angels of light from angels of darkness
God’s holy angels are magnificent beings who are His messengers and warriors sent to assist, sustain, protect, and deliver us through the power of Christ. 

Author Mary Baxter takes us on a journey that reminds us of how much God really cares for us and watches over us. This book about angels is filled with her experiences in dreams and visions from God, but what she says is backed up by Scripture. You will rejoice in your spirit as you read about the miraculous and unusual ways God rescues and provides for His children. God is speaking to us through these words.
-Jentezen Franklin,  Pastor, Free Chapel Worship Center and Kingdom Connection Int’l Television Program

The work of angels, God’s messengers, can be seen throughout Scripture. However, many believers today have a man-created vision of angels. Who they are and what they do are often misunderstood due to the work of the secular press and its influence over television, film, and popular literature. A Divine Revelation of Angels sets the record straight! A book that is both scripturally sound and easy for anyone to understand.
-Rod Parsley, Pastor, World Harvest Church and CEO, Breakthrough Media Ministries
A Divine Revelation of Angels describes the dreams, revelations, and visions of Mary Baxter, revealing angels at work today. It is most interesting and absorbing. I believe you will be inspired by this book.
-Oral Roberts, Founder, Oral Roberts University
The Bible frequently mentions angels—God’s heavenly messengers or servants. In A Divine Revelation of Angels, Mary Baxter combines biblical teaching with her own experiences, giving the reader thought-provoking and enlightening insights about the ministry of angels.
-Dr. David Yonggi Cho, Senior Pastor, Yoido Full Gospel Church

Product Details

  • Title : A Divine Revelation of Angels
  • Authors:
    • Baxter, Mary K.
    • Lowery, T. L.
  • Publisher: Whitaker House
  • Publication Date: 2003
  • ISBN: 9780883689790
An international evangelist, Mary K. Baxter (1940–2021) was in full-time ministry for over thirty years, ever since she was taken by God into the dimensions and torments of hell, as well as the streets of heaven, for over forty nights in 1976.

God commissioned Mary to record her experiences and tell others of the horrific depths, degrees, and torments of hell, as well as the wonderful destiny of heaven for the redeemed of Jesus Christ. There truly is a hell to shun and a heaven to gain!

Throughout her life, Mary experienced many visions, dreams, and revelations of heaven, hell, and the spirit realm. She was sent by God to minister in over 125 nations, and her books have been translated into more than twenty languages. Salvation sprang forth as she walked in the miraculous power of God on her life. Signs and wonders followed her, and testimonies of God’s saving grace abounded in her ministry. Mary had a mother’s heart to see all people come into the kingdom of God and become all that God created them to be. She birthed numerous other ministries and poured into the lives of others to see the kingdom of God expand into the emerging generations of the earth.

Mary was ordained as a minister in 1983 and received a Doctor of Ministry degree from Faith Bible College, an affiliate of Oral Roberts University.

Mary’s books include A Divine Revelation of Satan’s Deceptions, A Divine Revelation of Hell, A Divine Revelation of Heaven, A Divine Revelation of the Spirit Realm, A Divine Revelation of Angels, A Divine Revelation of Spiritual Warfare, A Divine Revelation of Deliverance, A Divine Revelation of Healing, A Divine Revelation of Prayer, and The Power of the Blood.


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