Digital Logos Edition
The more intense our desire to walk in step with Christ, the more we face inner conflicts. The apostles experienced this and so do all dedicated Christians today. This insightful book explores what lies behind these conflicts and addresses questions such as:
Combining profound intellectual insights with practical illustrations, this book shows how to grow in practical holiness by gaining control of the factors that work against our walk with God.
“The other is only a welcome guest: Satan cannot break into our lives if we keep away from him by keeping to God’s truth.” (Page 20)
“our desire and the tempter’s offer to fulfil that desire.” (Page 20)
“Are the lives saved completely redeemed in tangible terms from all defilement, accusations, and devil-propagated influences?” (Page 4)
I appreciate your honesty in acknowledging the vulnerability and frailty of us Christians; your insistence that our fallen self-centred nature is not abolished when we are converted; your appeal to your readers to use their minds; and your confidence that the Holy Spirit is able to cause his fruit to ripen in our lives.
—Dr. John Stott, Rector Emeritus, All Souls Church
Deep spiritual insights laced with down-to-earth illustrations make the book readily accessible and relevant. I recommend it to all.
—Prof. Sam Olofin, Former Board Member, International Fellowship of Evangelical Students (IFES)