Anyone who’s ever heard Dr. Myles Munroe teach on leadership knows that his wisdom is to the believer what a phone booth was to Superman!
Step into every page and be charged!
-Bishop T.D. Jakes, The Potter’s House of Dallas
Are you aware that God has ordained you to be a leader? No matter what your occupation, the Lord has placed a gifting and calling upon you and every child of God! And within that gifting there are leadership abilities that lie dormant in many! In The Spirit of Leadership, Dr. Myles Munroe gives us the key to find the hidden leader within ourselves. He defines what a true leader is, plus so much more. I highly recommend this inspired book to all, because we all have the gift of leadership. So, let’s read and learn how to build the kingdom of God with that precious gift He has given each of us for His glory!
-Paul F. Crouch, Trinity Broadcasting Network
Myles Munroe stands as a pillar of strength in the midst of so much windblown confusion that is ripping apart sectors of the church. His commitment to integrity and spiritual passion—to a biblical lifestyle uncluttered by dead tradition—is a joy to behold.
-Jack W. Hayford, Chancellor, The King’s College and Seminary, Los Angeles, California
Dr. Myles Munroe puts his pen to parchment to paint a defining portrait of true and effective leadership. On these pages you will discover your purpose, your passion, and your potential to become the leader God has destined you to be.
-John Hagee, Senior Pastor Cornerstone Church, San Antonio, Texas
In The Spirit of Leadership, Dr. Myles Munroe taps into the core truths of authentic, successful leadership. Through decades of study and careful observation, Dr. Munroe has identified the key—the missing ingredient that activates the potential to lead found within every human being. This potent, practical teaching will remove internal barriers and release the serious reader into the leadership role God has already ordained.
-Marilyn Hickey, Founder and President, Marilyn Hickey Ministries
Elisha took the mantle that fell from Elijah and struck the waters of Jordan, asking, “Where is the Lord God of Elijah?” Today, I believe God is looking over the sapphire sill of heaven’s gate, asking, “Where are My Elijahs?” The world is groaning in travail, waiting for the manifestation of those who will rise up as followers of God and leaders of men. Everyone who is born again has the nature and character of God planted deep within them by the Holy Spirit. In this book, Dr. Myles Munroe will give you invaluable insight in your quest to discover and develop the spirit of a leader.
-Pastor Rod Parsley, World Harvest Church/Breakthrough
In this book, Dr. Myles Munroe has identified the soft underbelly of the religious, social, and economic condition of today’s world. He has punctured the myths surrounding leadership and leaders and exposed the elusive link for all to see: “Genuine an attitude of the heart.” Would
that this manual invades every library, boardroom, and training center and conquers the hearts of designated and natural leaders worldwide.
-Her Excellency Dame Ivy Dumont, Governor-General, The Commonwealth of The Bahamas