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Mobile Ed: ET201 Introduction to Christian Ethics: Contemporary Issues (13 hour course)

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In this course Dr. Russell Moore, president of the Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission (ERLC), provides an introduction to Christian ethics. After an overview of the scope of ethics, Dr. Moore focuses on wisdom and how the biblical narrative forms and reorders the conscience. He then explores a variety of important contemporary topics showing how they relate to different aspects of Christian ethics. Dr. Moore covers topics like religious liberty, gender, marriage and divorce, sexual ethics, human dignity, race, immigration, war and peace, capital punishment, the environment, poverty, and political economy.

The course was part of a two-day ethics seminar by the ERLC Academy and was filmed in Nashville, TN in 2019. It includes two breakout sessions. In the first breakout session, Dr. Andrew T. Walker addresses ethical issues regarding biological sex, gender, and transgenderism. In the second breakout session, Dr. Michael P. Farris provides an overview of religious liberty in the US, with special attention to the Supreme Court’s view on this matter.

Resource Experts
  • Define the scope of Christian ethics
  • Demonstrate the role of Scripture in reshaping the conscience and making decisions
  • Discuss the role of wisdom in ethical decision-making
  • Reflect critically on religious liberty
  • Explain the necessity of the separation of church and state
  • Discuss the ethical implications of maleness and femaleness
  • Demonstrate Scripture’s concern with the equal dignity of men and women
  • Explain the createdness and reality of gender in a sensitive manner
  • Demonstrate how marriage points to the reality and relationship of Christ and the church
  • Explain the ethical problems related to sexual immorality and pornography
  • Discuss the importance of human dignity and how this relates to abortion, suicide, and euthanasia
  • Critically assess the use of Assisted Reproductive Technology
  • Demonstrate the dangers of systemic and personal racism and reflect on the church’s role in engaging these issues
  • Consider war and peace from a biblical perspective
  • Explain why Christians should practice Christocentric stewardship


  • Introducing the Speaker and Course

Unit 1: Introduction

  • Introduction to Ethics
  • Different Types of Ethical Systems
  • Session 1 Questions and Answers

Unit 2: Aspects of Christian Ethics

  • Christic, Kingdom, and Eccleerlcsial Aspects of Christian Ethics
  • Personal, Social, and Political Aspects of Christian Ethics
  • Session 2 Questions and Answers

Unit 3: Wisdom and Decision-making

  • Maturity and the Conscience
  • Wisdom as Discernment
  • Session 3 Questions and Answers
  • Sessions 1–3 Open Forum Questions and Answers

Unit 4: Religious Liberty

  • Ethical Aspects of Religious Liberty
  • Church and State
  • Session 4 Questions and Answers

Unit 5: Maleness and Femaleness

  • Ethical Implications of Maleness and Femaleness
  • Equal Dignity of Men and Women and the Reality of Gender
  • Session 5 Questions and Answers
  • Sessions 4–5 Open Forum Questions and Answers

Unit 6: Marriage and Divorce

  • Marriage as Act of the Covenant Community
  • Marriage as Signpost to Christ
  • Divorce

Unit 7: Sexual Ethics

  • Spiritual Reality of Sex
  • Pornography
  • Sessions 6–7 Open Forum Questions and Answers

Unit 8: Human Dignity: Sanctity of Life, Infertility, Adoption, and Assisted Reproductive Technology (ART)

  • Humanity’s Unique Position in Creation
  • Abortion and the Role of the Church in Upholding Human Dignity
  • Suicide and Euthanasia
  • Assisted Reproductive Technology

Unit 9: Race and Immigration

  • Personal and Systemic Aspects of Racism
  • Racism Breaks Down in Our Identity in Christ
  • Immigration
  • Sessions 8–9 Open Forum Questions and Answers

Unit 10: Peace, War, and Capital Punishment

  • Peace and War on the Ecclesial, Kingdom, and Personal Levels
  • Peace and War on the Social and Political Levels
  • Capital Punishment
  • Session 10 Questions and Answers

Unit 11: Environment, Poverty, and Political Economy

  • Responsibility to Nature
  • Christocentric Stewardship on the Christic and Kingdom Levels
  • Christocentric Stewardship on the Ecclesial Level
  • Christocentric Stewardship on the Social and Political Levels
  • Sessions 10–11 Open Forum Questions and Answers

Unit 12: Breakout Session 1: Gender and Sexuality with Andrew T. Walker

  • Biological Sex and Gender
  • Transgenderism
  • Breakout Session 1 Questions and Answers

Unit 13: Breakout Session 2: Religious Liberty with Michael P. Farris

  • History of Religious Liberty in the US
  • The Supreme Court and Religious Liberty
  • Breakout Session 2 Questions and Answers
  • Title: ET201 Intro to Christian Ethics: Contemporary Issues
  • Instructor: Russell D. Moore
  • Publisher: Lexham Press
  • Publication Date: 2020
  • Product Type: Logos Mobile Education
  • Resource Type: Courseware, including transcripts, audio, and video resources
  • Courses: 1
  • Video Hours: 13
Value if sold separately
||Partially included
Value if sold separately
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Russell D. Moore (PhD, The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary) is the eighth president of the Ethics & Religious Liberty Commission of the Southern Baptist Convention. A widely sought commentator, Dr. Moore has been called “vigorous, cheerful, and fiercely articulate” by The Wall Street Journal. He is the author of several books, including The Kingdom of Christ, Adopted for Life, and Tempted and Tried.


1 rating

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  1. Tyler Bolon

    Tyler Bolon


    Does not have suggested readings. This is not a real "Mobile Ed" course. It is youtube-esque videos with transcripts. This resource offers absolutely no advantages over watching youtube videos.


Collection value: $650.00
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Starting at $40.98/mo at checkout