We think of rocks as unchangeable, hard as rock. But when Jesus met the young fisherman Simon and named him Ceʹphas (Peter), meaning "stone," he was seeing the process Peter would endure to become a beautiful living stone of the Lord's temple, made from the dust of the earth. Rocks form in the heart of life's action, during collisions of unseen forces, along zones where ideals grind unseen, deep below the surface, and next to beliefs radiating heat from pools of magma. Rocks witness what can only be imagined as transformation progresses that put extreme pressure on crystals to grow larger and stronger, binding minerals to interlock with one another, building us into a spiritual house. Look to the rock from which you were hewn and to the quarry from which you were dug. Look to Abraham your father and to Sarah who gave birth to you in pain (Isa 51:1-2).
“Christine Graef has done a masterful work in her book The
Rock from Which You Were Hewn. The reader of this insightful
and scholarly work will delight in the natural revelation of how
creation bears witness to the Creator and points us to the Savior.
This book is a ‘must read’ for all lovers of truth.”
—Thom McDonald, President, The Great Peace Native Fellowship of
Christine Graef is author of To Light the Sabbath
Candles: Reconciling One New Humanity at the Lord’s
Table. She lives at the edge of the woods by the St. Lawrence
River in upstate New York.