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What the Bible Says about Divorce and Remarriage

, 2021
ISBN: 9781433568268

Digital Logos Edition

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The topic of divorce is a complicated one, even among Christians. The Bible provides some clear answers, but other areas remain blurry: Is divorce morally acceptable in a case of physical abuse? If a divorce is granted for biblically legitimate reasons, is remarriage allowed? Can a divorced person become a church officer? In this short booklet, theologian Wayne Grudem offers a thought-provoking analysis of what the Bible says—and doesn’t say—about divorce and remarriage. By combining theological insight with practical application, Grudem brings clarity to a difficult topic and helpful guidance to those looking for direction.

Resource Experts
  • Offers a thought-provoking analysis of what the Bible teaches about divorce and remarriage
  • Addresses common questions about divorce and remarriage
  • Combines theological insights with practical application

Top Highlights

“When we combine the teaching of Jesus with the teaching of Paul on this subject, it seems that there are at least two legitimate grounds for divorce: (1) adultery and (2) desertion by an unbeliever when all reasonable attempts at reconciliation have failed (including desertion by a professing Christian who has refused all the steps of church discipline and has come to be treated as an unbeliever).” (Page 37)

“However, as a result of additional research that I carried out in 2019, I now believe that 1 Corinthians 7:15 implies that divorce may be legitimate in other circumstances that damage the marriage as seriously as adultery or desertion. This change in my position has come because I reached a new understanding of Paul’s expression ‘in such cases.’” (Page 39)

“The most likely interpretation of this verse is that it implies the freedom to obtain a legal divorce and the freedom to marry someone else. The spouse who has been abandoned ‘is not enslaved’ to the marriage partner. When an unbelieving spouse has deserted the marriage, God releases the believing spouse from the twin unending stresses of (1) a lifelong vain hope of reconciling with an unbeliever who has left and (2) a lifelong prohibition against enjoying the good blessings of marriage again.” (Page 36)

“Therefore, marriage is an especially serious commitment (1) between husband and wife, (2) to the society in which they live, and (3) before God himself (whether or not he is explicitly acknowledged in the marriage ceremony).” (Page 20)

“That suggests that ‘somewhere around 20 to 25 percent of first marriages end in divorce” (Page 11)

Wayne Grudem is a New Testament scholar turned theologian, author, and research professor of Bible and theology at Phoenix Seminary, Arizona. He earned a BA from Harvard University, an MDiv from Westminster Theological Seminary, and a PhD from the University of Cambridge. In 2001 Grudem moved to Phoenix Seminary after having taught at Trinity Evangelical Divinity School for more than twenty years where he was also the chairman of the Department of Biblical and Systematic Theology.


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