Digital Logos Edition
Cutting across the divide between East and West and between Catholic and Evangelical, Thomas F. Torrance illuminates our understanding of the doctrine of the Holy Trinity. Torrance combines here the Gospel and a theology shaped by Karl Barth and the Church Fathers, and offers his readers a unique synthesis of the Nicene Creed. This volume remains a tremendously helpful resource on the doctrine of the Trinity and the Nicene Creed. The new introduction for this Cornerstones edition is written by Myk Habets, the leading Thomas F. Torrance scholar today.
“We do not seek to understand what we believe, Augustine used to say, but we believe that we may understand.30” (Page 20)
“into the objective fact of the incarnate self-revelation of God” (Page 30)
“It was the whole man that the Son of God came to redeem by becoming man himself and effecting our salvation in and through the very humanity he appropriated from us—if the humanity of Christ were in any way deficient, all that he is said to have done in offering himself in sacrifice ‘for our sakes’, ‘on our behalf’ and ‘in our place’ would be quite meaningless.” (Page 152)
“for it is only through reconciliation to God by the blood of Christ that we may draw near to him and have access to him” (Page x)
“It is in our actual apprehending of God, however, that we realise that we cannot comprehend him” (Page 53)